Can anyone help me with what system to use? This is going to be for a convienent store w/ 24/7 Day/Night recording.
What I need is something that will record 16 channels (Individually at Full Screen, not in Quad Mode, etc.) @ 30 FPS per Camera/Channel. I have been doing a lot of research, but want to make sure I get the right system. I am looking for something between $1,000 - $1,500 w/ 1TB HDD.
I would like to have it as a Standalone DVR and Preferrably with the Loop Out feature, and DVD-R/CD-R backup capabilites.
These are systems I am contemplating between. Any suggestions, comments, experience with, etc?
the (Brackets are the dotcom addresses as I can't post links yet.
CCTVDVR16 (WorldEyeCam)
WAVC-AVC787D (WorldEyeCam)
CL-16 (CloseOutCCTV) ---> I am really leaning towards this one.
Any help would or other suggestions / sites where I can buy your suggested DVR(s) would be greatly appreciated.