Hi - I'm new to setting up a CCTV system. I'm trying to set up a CCTV camera to live stream to a monitor but I'm not getting a signal on the monitor (yes I am toggling through my input modes on the monitor with a particular focus on HDMI) . My components are ..
A HD-CMOS-1200TVL-960-Sensor-2-8-12mm-Manual-ZOOM-Lens camera with BNC output.
A bnc-to-hdmi-converter-hd-1080p-720p-video-adapter to convert BNC output to HDMI.
Monitor is 1920 x 1080 60HZ using HDMI input.
I believe I have the correct cabling -- HMDI cable to/from bnc-to-hdmi-converter to monitor. And BNC cabling from camera to bnc-to-hdmi converter. And proper power adapters for camera and bnc-to-hdmi convert. But I suspect my issue is I have the wrong bnc-to-hdmi converter (?). Any advice on where I am going wrong?
Thanks --