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Everything posted by IneedaJOB

  1. IneedaJOB

    Hello all!

    Hello. I am a security professional here in foggy northen california. I am currently a department manager but have experience in cctv, card access, door hardware, alarms (burg/fire), gate operators, handicap operators and general low voltage customizations. I love to solve problems and look forward to getting to contribute to the board.
  2. IneedaJOB

    Door bell linked camera

    They have many out of the box solutions for this application. Aiphone, nutone and sidell to name a few.
  3. IneedaJOB

    What about the wire?

    Cat5 works well. I usually try not to send power on the same cat5 though. I like to pull a 18/2 (depending on distance from powersupply) with my cat 5. Sometimes I will pull a 16/2 and put multiple cams on one cat5 and branch my power off the 16/2.
  4. I hate kantech. A good solution would be Keri or Linear. Linear has a great reputation and a really solid product. The only downside of Linear in my eyes is weak tech support at times. Keri is really good product and super tech support but the dowside of Keri is installs can get expensive they way that the product is designed however I heard they just released a new line to solve this problem. They will even offer tech support to end users which can be really helpful when your customer calls with a million and one questions. I have worked with DMP, northern, safelok, ademco and many others.
  5. Why wouldent you just electrify the rods?