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Everything posted by ranser27

  1. ranser27


    lo primero es ver si tienen garantía, y aplicarla, si puedes tener acceso a video de forma local con un monitor puedes actualizar el software, eso debiera solucionarlo. los pitidos son por falta de disco duro o conflictos de red, perdida de video de las cámaras et., solo debes desactivar las alarmas en menú de configuraciones Translation: the first thing is to see if they have a guarantee, and apply it, if you can access video locally with a monitor you can update the software, that should solve it. the beeps are due to lack of hard disk or network conflicts, loss of video from the cameras et., you only have to deactivate the alarms in the settings menu
  2. Hi, can you help me please, I need information about Hikvision-C (UTC-Coaxitron) I need to now how can read de command (PTZ), what I need to interpreted the command, can I read the command with Arduino for example? for what? for control a servo motor ( the control is not the problem just rear de command form DVR) I try to use rs485 with pelco-D decoder command but don't works. dvr hikvision used 2 cable only for control PTZ in the same cable, video and control. thanks for any information can you give me ranser,