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Everything posted by fredsterp

  1. thanks again. U R 1 conscientous person. haGd, Fred
  2. who's better than you? Thanks, haGd, fred
  3. Thanks so much for your help.
  4. HI, I just read that some states require licensing to install cctv equip as a business. Is New York one of those states? Where could I find out that info? Thanks, Fred
  5. fredsterp

    cctv as a business

    Hi, just in process of installing a remotely accessible surveillance sys in my office. Also, for my home, and then a few neighbor's homes. I like the concept and relative ease of the set-up. after searching the www for info, I see it is overwhelming with how much info is out there and how much there is to know, but I am seriously considering going into this as a business. Any suggestions of how I could get up to speed quickly? I don't think we're allowed to direct people to specific suppliers etc, but any information on things such as wholesale suppliers, tutorials, books, equipment, seminars, shows would be extremely appreciated. Thanks & God Bless, Fred