Hi everyone,
i am new here and absolutely "green" talking about surveilance system and all the cameras. Recently we have bought a house with built in surveilance system, the outside cameras are connected throught coaxial cable (RS232 i guess? It's a pin that you have to twist a little bit to disconnect), that part is pretty clear. However there is some interior cameras mounted and disguised as motion detectors as i understand they connect through pins in the photo. There are 3 different 8 pin connectors, but only 4 wires comes in to them (2 to the first one, 1 to the second and 1 to the third). So my main question is how to connect them? What is missing? What connectors/devices should i buy?
Outside of the camera
Inside of the camera
One side of 3 different connectors
Another side of 3 different connectors
Power cable, as i understand coaxial cable is also used as power source for cameras, so this power cable should be somehow connected with these cameras? Or am i wrong and it's just dedicated for old school NVR?
If you need any additional information to solve this puzzle, please feel free to ask. Atleast it's a puzzle for me As far as i know there are 3 such cameras. Is it possible that each connector represents a different camera?