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Everything posted by VJD

  1. VJD

    Vitek & Nuvico

    Doesn't 2ips=1fps?
  2. VJD

    Another random thought

    Is a machete the preferred weapon of choice down by you? When I was driving around St. Lucia it seemed like everyone was carring one guns are illegal here, like 6 months for every bullet and a couple years for the gun .. machetes, well anyone can have them .. Plus, up here we like to kill from afar. We’ve lost the intimacy of the good old days. I guess you guys still have that up close and personal thing going. Kind of gives you a warm and bloody, I mean fuzzy feeling inside.
  3. VJD

    Another random thought

    Is a machete the preferred weapon of choice down by you? When I was driving around St. Lucia it seemed like everyone was carring one
  4. VJD

    Sanyo DSR-3506H80 DVR

    I think at this point we are WELL past that
  5. VJD

    Another random thought

    My wife asks me the same questions all the time. My answers are usually "I don't have the time, I don't want to spend the money, I'm waiting for the better DVR to come out, etc, etc....." When I am at home Mr. Glock is my security system. Unfortunately it can't tell me what is crapping in my yard
  6. VJD

    Sanyo DSR-3506H80 DVR

    ADI lists them as GE Security in their catalog but uses Kalatel part numbers for ordering.
  7. VJD

    Sanyo DSR-3506H80 DVR

    Just as long as it wasn't you!
  8. You could expand the system with one of the new hybrid cards when they come out. Who knows how much they will cost though....
  9. VJD

    Sanyo DSR-3506H80 DVR

    Better keep those dreams to yourself.
  10. VJD

    Interesting GV combo card coming

    P4 3GHz P4P800SE Motherboard 512MB DDR400 40GB ATA 200GB SATA GeForce FX5200 128MB GV800-8 I will try and get you a vid clip.
  11. VJD

    Interesting GV combo card coming

    They are still there in 6.1. but there is a way to get rid of them. I don't remember off hand though. As far as the jerky motion comment, I would not necessarily blame the GV-800. I recently installed one and have not experienced that problem at all. I don't know why some people make such a big deal about the look of the GUI. After awhile I don't even notice it. I'll take features and performance over a system that has a nicer looking GUI any day. Can they improve it? Definitely. I'm sure when they finally do change it people will then probably complain about the color scheme.
  12. VJD


    After only having experience using Kalatel DVR’s I installed my first Geo system today. I was definitely disappointed in the live and recorded picture quality, but I guess I kind of expected that compared to the Kalatel. I kept wanting to go back and adjust the focus of the cameras even though I knew they looked fine when I set them up earlier with a portable monitor. What really bothered me was the following: The store that the system is installed in gets tons of sunlight. Needless to say, anything white lights up like the sun itself. Now I can adjust the cameras so they look decent in my portable monitor, but from the Geo system the whites are just beaming. No matter how much I adjust the picture within the software it still looks bad. Any Geo users notice this phenomenon? Am I overlooking something?
  13. VJD


    Rory, See what you started now!
  14. VJD

    New Geovision software out

    Probably because people are trying to upgrade their boxes with the new software and then finding out it does not work without the dongle. Contrary to what was stated on the website.
  15. VJD

    Ipix CommandView Cams & DVRs

    Bandwidth wise, is this even possible?
  16. I heard the tips are delicate and break easily.
  17. The GhostRadar comes with this disclaimer: *This is a toy for amusement only. This product does not actually detect ghosts.*
  18. Sushi disk USB Memory Stick, now there's something I don't have!
  19. VJD


    Yeah, the software upgrade situation blows. I just installed this system yesterday and today the new version comes out. It's probably a good idea NOT to install the new software just yet anyway. I'm sure 7.01, 7.02, etc. will be just around the corner. I-HERM biased, no way
  20. VJD

    New Geovision software out

    So technically then, they are charging for the upgrade. And this contradicts what is posted on their website.
  21. VJD


    Sigh, that was helpful......and expected. LOL I just have something against GEO. What type of Video Card are you using? And at how many colors do you have the settings done at? a lot of times, I have seen PC DVR'S set at 16bit colors, and the pictures looking like crap, they should be set to true color 32bit. Wow, actual advice! And to a Geo user Hermin, there is hope for you after all
  22. VJD

    New Geovision software out

    I downloaded it this morning too. Have you installed it yet? How can you tell if you have an "s" card?
  23. VJD


    I did not try the monitor on the DVR end. I also did use a new type of compression fitting for this install, hmmmm. Damm, you guys are up as early/late as I am.
  24. VJD


    Sigh, that was helpful......and expected.