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Everything posted by steven@segers.ph

  1. steven@segers.ph

    New DVR No Signal

    I've had this cheap analog Zosi DVR for a few years already (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01K19IN26/ref=pe_3044161_189395811_TE_SCE_dp_1) It's been working fine all this time but it does have some downsides, the main one being that it's terribly slow. I recently bought two better (I think) devices at an auction. A Bosh DIVAR 5000 and a Dahua NVS1604HF-A-E. Unfortunately, I'm not getting any signal from my cameras on either device (while on the Zosi DVR I do). The most obvious possible cause would be that both devices are broken, but this seems unlikely since they were both still new in packaging. (Of course, at an auction, you're never sure of what you get). It was my, perhaps naïve, assumption that analog cameras are just plug-and-play. Would there be anything to configure regarding this type of camera? Or could the signal I get from the cameras be too weak for the other DVRs?
  2. steven@segers.ph

    New DVR No Signal

    Hi Tom. Thanks for this clarification. I'll look for another DVR,