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  1. I can buy it in Poland and I need to install it for German customer. Can I flash recorder with German firmware and where can I find it?
  2. Hi. Europe systems come with German language Buy from a German distributor https://sicherheitoutlet.com/56-dahua?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5LT-obS-3gIV7pPtCh2G1wEsEAAYASAAEgJCXvD_BwE#/canales_numero_de_ca-8_kanale I can buy it in Poland and I need to install it for German customer. Can I flash recorder with German firmware and where can I find it?
  3. Hello can someone tell me, if it is possible to get German firmware for Dahua NVR4104-4ks2 (or similar). I don't purchase it yet, because I don't know which is OK to update with German language. Thank you!