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  1. alarme4u

    DNS failed in the dvr

    I tried using what You advised me. Problem not solved
  2. alarme4u

    DNS failed in the dvr

    I tried to change DNS in Dhcp enabled mode but didn't worked. I will try again using the numbers you gave me. I don't think i used QR setup first time i instaled it.
  3. alarme4u

    DNS failed in the dvr

    Check message i recive.
  4. alarme4u

    DNS failed in the dvr

    Factory settings are this from picture below. The dvr worked perfect for about 2 months and after stoped working on the internet.
  5. Hi. I have a problem regarding internet conection. In picture attached Primary DNS and Secondary DNS are 0.0..... It should be same as Gateaway the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS should be I tried to change them but it doesn't keep the changes i make. I tried to give an update but still not solved my problem. I tried to write again the Eeprom chip and still not solved. I think is a hardware problem because after it starts the dvr gives a long beep and another new one doesn't stats with a long beep. The dvr is bought from China.Brand is H.view and model is AVR-AE204.