I am having trouble with my averdigi security dvr. I have tried contacting Aver direct but they are not interested and will not reply, so I need your help.
Basically I have 3 cameras linked to the dvr, 2 of them are on about 30m long cables from the unit. My problem is the unit stops recording at anytime within a few hours or a day or so. I have to turn the unit off, wait about 30 seconds and power it up again. It works ok for another few hours or days then stops.
Of course you can't have a security system that turns itself of whenever it wants.
I have spoken to the retailer I purchased it from and he is no help and says there could be a voltage drop causing it. But I have had the power outlet tested and there is no power drop.
With Aver and the retailer not wanting to know about it, does anyone have an answer of what is causing the problem and how to fix it? The unit is only 3 months old.