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Everything posted by hlegg

  1. To all yhose who helped with suggestions this is to let you know that I have swapped the Seagate HDD for a WD and it is (so far) working ok. Regards Harry
  2. I am having trouble with my averdigi security dvr. I have tried contacting Aver direct but they are not interested and will not reply, so I need your help. Basically I have 3 cameras linked to the dvr, 2 of them are on about 30m long cables from the unit. My problem is the unit stops recording at anytime within a few hours or a day or so. I have to turn the unit off, wait about 30 seconds and power it up again. It works ok for another few hours or days then stops. Of course you can't have a security system that turns itself of whenever it wants. I have spoken to the retailer I purchased it from and he is no help and says there could be a voltage drop causing it. But I have had the power outlet tested and there is no power drop. With Aver and the retailer not wanting to know about it, does anyone have an answer of what is causing the problem and how to fix it? The unit is only 3 months old. Regards Harry
  3. Thanks to you all for your replies. The hard drive is a Seagate Barracuda. I guess the solution is to change the HD to another like WD or Maxtor, or get a UPS supply. For your info the retailer says it's not his problem and won't change the HD. It's a bit of a catch 22 as to which way I go. If I get a UPS and leave the HD as is and the problem is still there, then I need to change the HD. Then if I get another HD and the problem is still there then I need to get a UPS. Either way the end result could be the same. What's your opinion.....UPS first or HD first? Regards Harry
  4. I have just set up a security system using 3 cameras (2 of which have about 30m leads to the recorder) and the problem is the dvr stops recording after a few hours or a day or so. I have tried to get help from Aver and the retailer who sold me the unit, but neither of them are interested to help. I have to turn the power off, wait 30 seconds, turn it back on and it works fine for the next number of hours until it stops recordeing of its own accord. What is caising the problem and how do I fix it? Regards Harry
  5. Whoever you are that replied and said to try Aver tech support I suggest you have a look at the site you asked my to try and you will see my ask for help is still sitting there from the 2nd Dec un-answered. Perhaps you may have more luck by asking them the same question. Otherwise I am getting really pissed off with the lack of support from Aver and I cannot recommend to them or their products to anyone.
  6. DVR man thanks for your reply. THe hard drive is 140gb, record rate is 10 sec unless movement is detected. !00pfs is the record. The cameras are Cameray Digital Bullet CCD cameras model CM-2602WV. The hardrive is already set up to keep recording so it keeps going and overwrites the oldest recording. Non of this is relevant to why the recordier stops recording of its own accord. Anyb suggestions?