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  1. Rollie

    Two CCTV cameras look like this

    Thanks for your input I appreciate it. Just when I was taking IR and lenses for the parts box........ I found the problem. boom
  2. Rollie

    Two CCTV cameras look like this

    Analog CCTV. They are separate from everything. I have tested V using Battery, wall Wart, Power supply and a Sav4D. The power supply was used first with a buck converter. Then battery W/Buck. etc. I tested from 5V to 13V all DC. I have no idea of the background these 4 cameras have. They were given to me, I was going to give then to a buddie so he could keep a eye on his little kids in the yard. Two of them are the same. one is great one is the top picture I believe. The other two are dome cams one is the other picture. I have used different cables while testing. Lately just a RCA cable straight into a monitor or straight into my Digimerge DVR. I also hooked them in place of one of my cameras in my shop. still same results. Thanks Ron
  3. Rollie

    Two CCTV cameras look like this

    nobody has any idea?
  4. Not sure whats wrong? It appears to be 2 or 3 layers or images. I'm not sure. If someone can help I would appreciate it. Thanks Ron