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  1. Okay, I am 100% new to this, so i'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction... The rear of our house can be accessed by a gate entrance we share with our next door neighbours. Recently we have had a number of disturbances (next door were actually broken into last night and a number of things were stolen). Although the gate is locked, people are obviously climbing over to get around the back.. So, we want to install CCTV to see who is coming around. Ideally I want a wireless solution to avoid the pain of routing all the wiring etc. We should be able to get away with a single stationary camera situated on the outside wall of our property (so we will see anyone who comes around the back). Since we will need to be able to monitor when we are not at home, we will need the ability to record footage (perhaps up to 24 hours at a time). The camera will also need to be able to see in the dark. Can anybody point me in the right dirtection? As for costs - the simple answer is as cheap as possible lol! If I could get it all for sub-£200 then I would be most happy! Thanks in advance for your time!