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  1. Hik 16 NVR failed last year, replaced with new in May, 12 Cameras and only the two new ones i bought work. Tech support is great if you could understand them as well as me having No clue as to being an IT. Downloaded SADP Tool software from and have NO idea what the hell to do with it. my understanding is this SADP TOOL will clear the old cameras or something like that. Citrus Heights, Northern Calif, house call for a "C" note to get this system up running would be worth it to me. minermark@yahoo.com
  2. Ohm

    Calif here

    Growing up with de greed experts of the trade, it's very hard not to jump-in with a instant fix. Im quite sure there are a person(s) of knowledge here also, as i get to "Be-in-the-know, im only to happy to refer them here. Im an Engineer, i fix things the best fastest reasonable way possible.
  3. https://www.showmecables.com/ I use these guys when quality really matters.
  4. Ohm

    Don't know what I should get?

    Alarmclock w/SD card on Ebay would work.
  5. Ohm

    Hikvision no-ip update doesn't work

    I hate referring anyone to IPcamchat but there are some experts there.
  6. Ohm

    Can't read number plates

    You can with a DVR get the plates, but the cam/lens,IR will need to be upgraded BIGTIME! At this juncture i would go with an IP system, it IS the future. even with IP system LPR (Lic Plate Read) cameras are still pricey. Only anser to make your existing system work is a new camera with at least 4MP+ Varafocal lens and one bad azz Ir flood/spot light source.
  7. Ohm

    Where am I going wrong....

    You want the NTSC setting in the USA.
  8. Ohm

    What you guys think about Dahua?

    Im starting up a Hik myself, pretty much the same. try and buy for authorized vendor.
  9. Ohm

    HiWatch HWI-D640H-Z : How to PTZ ?

    The seller that sold you the PTZ may be able to help, the seller of the NVR is the one for support. IPcamnchat forum has self help on this issue also.
  10. Ohm

    Calif here

    Greetings fellow security minded humans. Member of many Forums for years, some better than others. Joined an IP forum last month then i find it's a FRONT for pushing their own wares, Salesmen to match.