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Everything posted by swade

  1. I have a Video Insight VJ240 card that was given to me. Can I download the necessary software for this for free? If so, what are the minimum requirements for a pc to run this card? Thanks for any help
  2. I believe you can still download the v2.x software from http://www.video-insight.com... v3.x should be available by request but requires a key to install. If you ask, they may be willing to provide it for free or cheap, since their model appears to be mainly based on selling the hardware (or used to be; v4 is all-IP and uses separate IP encoders to support analog cameras, AFAIK). Note that the VI software is locked to the hardware and will only work with *legitimate* VI cards, so if it's a knockoff or clone, it likely won't work, and nobody here will provide assistance (not supposed to, anyway - it's against the rules). Thanks for the reply. Can you suggest minimum requirements for a PC. I was planning on picking one up at ecost.com
  3. I need to install wireless IP cameras on a car lot lot that is about 600ft by 400ft. Looking at some IP cameras by Vivotek (IP 7132 or 7139) Anyway because of the distance issue, does anyone know how i can ensure decent reception from a wireless router. This is all new to me, I'm an old school hardwire man, cat5 all the way, but that is not an option here. Need help! Can I use two routers to transmit this distance ??
  4. I need to install wireless IP cameras on a car lot lot that is about 600ft by 400ft. Looking at some IP cameras by Vivotek (IP 7132 or 7139) Anyway because of the distance issue, does anyone know how i can ensure decent reception from a wireless router. This is all new to me, I'm an old school hardwire man, cat5 all the way, but that is not an option here. Need help! Can I use two routers to transmit this distance ??
  5. Hope someone can help. I need to set up about 12 or 14 cameras (with night vision) that have a long range, from50 to 150ft, but I need them all wireless. Looking to use a standalone dvr unit. Any suggestions on what kind of equipment to use and power issues. Some of these cameras will be as far as 400ft from the dvr. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have 8 cameras to a standalone dvr, looped out to two 4 channel modulators. The cameras are modulated to channels 100, 102, 104 etc.... I need to combine these channels with eight cable tv lines. Can I use standard cable splitters to first combine the outputs of the modulators, then combine with cable tv, then split eight ways??? I appreciate any help!
  7. swade

    Camera/cable tv modulation question

    I'm gonna try the splitters because I need a quick fix. Cable signal is high,about 5 feet from a cable amp so I'm not to concerned about signal loss but it sure would look better going through the dist. amp. I''l post after I try the splitters. Thanks for your help.
  8. swade

    Camera/cable tv modulation question

    I'm glad you brought that up. I tried a DA550BID but the camera channels are extremely fuzzy and we lost most of the high def channels on the cable. I was told if I put a DC blocker on the cable outputs of the amp that would solve the problem with the cameras but I still have the issue with the HD. Have you used the BDA8200HHR with HD cable and the DC blocker?
  9. I hope someone can help me here. I install home theater, flat screens etc. I have a house that is pre-wired for 6 cameras (coax and 2 conductor). The customer said at his old house his camera system was hooked up to his pc , and he would like to do that here. Also he would like to be able to monitor the cameras on multiple tv's through out the house. He wants to use the pc as a DVR but is not worried about internet accessibility. Can anyone help with suggestions on equipment that would be needed to do this, also some decent night vision cameras with zoom capabilities??