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Everything posted by Integratek

  1. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    do not demagogue we are talking about end-users here, not beginning installers/dealers when i stated out i was sitting days and nights and reading everything i could laid my hands on basically, that's the difference between pro and amateur pro is doing what he's doing for living and have to know everything about it amateur is doing the same just for fun, not spendig all his time to gain knowledge and can't allow himself to coz he got to earn his wages somehow helping out and being helped is great, but every craft has it's secrets which should not be opened to a curious public
  2. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    have you seen a lot of business discussions going on at public open places ? if you ask me, the forum should be for dealers/installers ONLY and users should pay us $$$ for our knowlege why ? because every single one of us have spent a LOT of precious time studying subjects most people have no slightest idea about and we are making our living out of it
  3. Integratek

    computer PSU switch cable colour

    http://www.duxcw.com/faq/ps/ps4.htm UTSE
  4. Integratek


    the best deal for a oem win xp/2k i've found here is $143 i've managed to bought couple used licenses but it's unreliable i myself is an ok admin, and there's always admins best friend - TFM anyway, i'm not thinking just yet about making commercial linux-based product just feeling like playing around hoping of some positive results
  5. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    sharing info is all that inet is about but here we are talking business and business have it's secrets besides that, i do think that "user need no education, exept for requred minimum to be able to operate" u are not asking your dental surgeon why is he doing this or that, and how much have he paid for the compound or whatever even if you'd ask, he wont tell you as for flipping off non-dealers how many of those can really help with anything if almost all of them generally have no idea about the matter ? IMO things are just prefect the way they are users can ask questinos and get answers they would never get for free dealers/installers helping users and it's only fair that they have some private place where they can discuss prices, margins, marketing tactics and some other themes which i found unappropriate to discuss with end-user
  6. Integratek


    Free flavor *BSD or whatever i just dont feel like paying $$$ (and lots of it) to uncle Bill *nix system might be much harder to set up for a first time but i guess i'll handle it
  7. THOMAS !!!!!! You are THE MAN indeed !!! this is most useful piece of software i've found in last 10 years !!! i'd even buy it !!!!
  8. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    i'm sure that somewhere out there there's standalone dvrs for as low as $500, but not here
  9. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    i'm not living in the first world either to buy a standalone dvr is about 100 times more expencive than to buy a DVR card and install on you own computer
  10. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    how to burn mb ? to insert a pci dvr card into agp slot to connect camera to computer's power supply and make a short circuit in the process i might be that on bahamas almost everyone know how to build a computer but here it's far from that, and the main problem that is 99.99% of anything computer related is in english, wich a most ppl here can speak but almost noone could be bothered to read, especially technical
  11. Integratek

    Suggestion: Users Only Topic

    as a dealer i prefer not to sell anything at any price to a DIY - generally they have a lot more questions than i feel like answering or have time to. besides that they do think that they know anything better than i do, and when i ask one why don't he do it all by himself if he's so smart, he got insulted let alone all kinds of damage to a system being installed by an amature - burnt MB's, cams, cards, data loss and one is responsible for all is a dealer
  12. Integratek

    S-Video to BNC

    i just took male mini-din connector and soldened to it a male bnc and female power connectors, than plugged it into existing female connector on the cable and that's it i don't think that there should be any problem to do what you intent to
  13. Integratek

    remote desktop

    am i dumb or remote desktop does not allowing to work on remote machine without having to log off current user ? i've just had no time to find it out and started using VNC, which suites me fine
  14. Integratek

    S-Video to BNC

    i've converted it into power and bnc it took me quite a while to find wiring diagram on the internet, but still less work than pulling new cables if you need i can sed you the pdf i've found
  15. Integratek

    kodicom AVI backup

    using 4.110 software version and compressing with microsoft codec AVI output is smooth, without dropped frames but quality is poor try to use different codecs, like Indeo or Cinepac
  16. Integratek

    Where to put microphone ?

    Hi i've got a customer who want to catch his wife's relatives sneaking aroung house and stealing things (at least that's what he told me). So i have installed 2 pinhole cameras in his appartaments (took me more than 12 hours - no one should be able to notice any changes, and i bet noone will) Now he have decided that it is a must to have sound recorded. the problem is that i cant really get decent sound with hidden mic. what are best locations to conseal a microphone ? Room size is about 12'x15'
  17. Integratek

    Displaying Live Video as a Screen Saver

    renaming *.exe to *.scr and running as a screensaver ? absolutely
  18. Integratek

    Where to put microphone ?

    The problem is that here (Israel) it's very difficilt to find any special equipment. And what is on the market is very expensive and generally crappy The other problem is that whole installation should be invisible to anybody, including his wife. What i've got for him is amplified microphone - Made in China no name customer price about $70 i reckon it's OK - quite sensitive and low noise firstly i've put in into roll-up sunshield box, next to one of cameras - sound was terrible, too noisy and recorded more of street sounds that anything in the room. so now im pondering how to make it work. is there any general recommendations regarding closed-space consealed sound recording ?
  19. Integratek

    Displaying Live Video as a Screen Saver

    rename your DVR software executable file from *.exe to *.scr install as screensaver
  20. I've installed around 15 systems using both Diginet and Geovision cards in about a same proportion, neither of which i found a good, professionaly made product due to numerous reasons, also i've seen Pico and Magick Radar, which is kinda lame in my opinion. Now we've decided that buying cards and cameras from local suppliers is simply not effective sine market is highly competetive and we are simply loosing deals because we just are not able to beat bigger companie's prices, so we are considering trip to China to bring us some equipment. So what card is the best ? or rather what make would you choose if you were buying around one hundred 25-50 fps card, fifty 100 fps and another fifty of 200's.
  21. Integratek

    best ip management software

    This software has most networking utilities in it but no option to kill connection or block a port or ip adress if you are looking for a solution to secure your network interface you really should use firewall, either software or hardware Software firewalls are generally much more affordable and easier to configure I am using Outpost Firewall by Agnitum http://outpost.agnitum.com/ IMO it's best on the market
  22. Integratek

    best ip management software

    I'd recommend IP Tools http://www.ks-soft.net/ip-tools.eng/ I'm using it for over 3 years now
  23. Integratek

    CCTV over 3G

    Does anybody knows anything about subject ? I've searched on internet but found nothing exept that this feature does exists and supported by few mobile telephony service providers around the world.
  24. Integratek

    UTP cabling

    i dont think that it is a good idea to run power on a twisted pair however i'm not sure about that - just never tried to do anything similar just run UTP (or STP, wich is better) and AC power from DVR station side (if u run low voltage DC you might expirence power loss) and UTP from client and put switch somewhere inbetween or try to use repeater instead of switch it might be a little bit more expencive but surely much better solution
  25. Integratek

    Integrating CCTV with alarm

    obtain a I/O controller KIO-1616 install it in your DVR station configure Diginet Site software according to your needs All required information can be found in manual