Hello and many thanks for a superb answer, its lead me on a good information route.
Ive got the plugs, so thats a big bonus. My electronics skills are fairly good and I alway have work that is potentially hazardous checked by an electrician.
Found the manual for the c990, cant find the other but should be somewhere hopefully, emails sent to conway as well for futher information.
I may hardwire a purpose built controller then as this seems to be a very cheap simple option. I am taking note of your advice and would have any work checked and run through circuit breakers etc.
To go down the 'best' route then would be to buy one 4 way minimum telemetry controller, one transmitter and 4 receivers? Theres a good deal on a bbv system on ebay at the moment in the UK, however the receiver does not operate the pan tilt and is for fixed heads only.
Many thanks for your help.