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  1. Hi Tom, When I log in to the app I just use “other ways login” and click the monitor at the bottom of the opening screen. I daren’t logout of this as don’t want to lose the access I have already. I did have a 6 digit code supplied originally but this isn’t working and have tried all other numbers/passwords that it could be but no joy. I have had the app running for 2 years now and never had to do anything since.
  2. I’d like to have the control back of the system to just even do a simple thing like change the time on it as it’s currently 1 and half hours in the future!!
  3. Hi, It’s an IP system (I assume as I hardwired to router) and yeah, I use the explorer app to view cameras remotely.
  4. The box is actually a Secyour DVR - Model No: SEC5-4-1TB but cameras and app I use are Qvis
  5. I've been renting a business premises which was supplied with a Qvis system but we (landlord and myself) are unable to access any longer. When I moved in we got it connected to my phone so still have the security, but the installer is no longer available to help get in for us to reset the password! Any assistance would be great as I want to have access to the old system and install a couple of extra cameras due to some blindspots. Or, failing that, I need the system accessible so I can install my own system that doesn't crash and allows better images due to recent "action" on our industrial estate.