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Marco O

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Everything posted by Marco O

  1. Hello, I was stuck in a similar situation where I was able to grab the text from the network and or a serial to IP converter, but the text contained random characters and in a unusable format. This was unacceptable for my customer and I almost lost the job. Anyways, my buddy and I decided to offer a solution to fix this ongoing issue with compatibility . I hope you guys don't see this as spam, just trying to give installers like myself a solution and I happened to stumble across this forum as I was furthering my research. Saw no solution, so thought I'd drop in. We can pretty much customize text from POS Systems that push out clear text by serial or over the network. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply, and hopefully if you ever find yourself in a tough situation like I was, you know that there is a solution. I just uploaded a video to YouTube for you guys. https://youtu.be/vOKl89pAwPU Best Regards, Marco