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Katie A

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  1. Katie A

    Control of CnM Secure 8 channel recorder

    Thank you. I'm slightly confused as I think our recorder is around 4 years old and there are many units badged CnM available new from different websites - i think someone must have bought the name? Thankyou for your advice. Insurers need about 3 mins of footage but it's very difficult to see how to isolate this, particulalry as I cannot get the mouse to work with the recorder - it worked 2 days ago!
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum having battle away with our shop cctv system trying to make sense of the manual which is very trying! It's working fine and recording but I need to get footage from last Monday downloaded for my insurance company and I m now completely stumped! The mouse was working plugged into the USB on the front of the recorder but it now doesn't appear on the screen. I'm trying to manage with the remote or the controls on the front of the recorder. Is it only possible to export the entire weeks recordings or should I be able to isolate the few minutes that I need as I don't have a USB stick of large enough capacity! I don't seem to be able to link up via the computers on the network to export this way as despite downloading DirectX and installing I can't get the Login from the IP Address. Am I just being dense or should this work? Any help gratefully received! MAny Thanks KAtie