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Everything posted by MJY

  1. Hi guys, I have a 8 channel NVR system with 4 cameras (model TC-734NVR To be exact. One of the many, but they are all the same on the inside). All the existing cameras are connected dirrectly to the NVR wirelessly. The NVR is all wireless and does not have and camera ethernet ports. I'm wondering, if it's possible to hook up a RLC-410 5MP poe camera to it by connecting it to the same network as the NVR?
  2. Hi, The model I have installed is actually 2MP with 1080p cameras. Then would it be possible to install peo cameras with the same resolution?
  3. bruh that is creepy as hell and I'm pretty sure it's not even legal. I do not recommend doing it AT ALL if you don't want them comming up to your front door or calling the police. I have a neighbour whose turret camera points to my backyard, so I put a bullet camera on the face and point it right at their camera as a form of revenge. It might even blind their camera at night. But jokes aside, any systems should work, wireless or wired, network or analog. Even the cheap kits on ebay. Just get a proper surveillance hard drive for it. Don't use a standard desktop drive. However, it would be difficult to store an entire year's footage. How many cameras would you be using and at what resolution and frame rate? Would you only record when motion is detected, or at all time? Because for a single camera running at 720p and 15 fps, you will need a 4TB disk drive. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong