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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Background: Swann DVR16-4575 received a HDD failure/full/undetected error over the last couple weeks. I determined that the unit wasn't getting enough voltage and traced it an issue with the power supply connection. I swapped out a power adapter with the same voltage and got it up and running fine last night. Still had footage saved from 2 weeks ago. Today: It was late last night and what I failed to notice was that the input plug on the adapter was smaller that it should have been. This morning I got some small sparks when I plugged the unit in to powered on. The power cable being loose made the unit lose and regain power a couple of times before I got it in a stable position to assess more. I planned to unplug the unit and get a proper adapter but realized I needed some footage that it had and since it was booting up I let it continue running. My problem: The unit finished booting up and went to an initial start up wizard asking me to set up a password for the unit... ? It appears to undergone some factory reset due to the power fluctuation. My basic understanding of data recording and computer files is that it isn't actually gone until it is overwritten. Therefore,I unplugged the unit until I can proceed with more information. Will the video be accessible if I just redo the set up or will that overwrite the data on it? Can I access these videos from the DVR itself or would I need to hook the HDD up to a computer for potential recover? I know there is data recover software available and how to hook it the computer but not sure what would be best for this situation and how to properly retrieve it. I'm not worried about warranty and have already had the unit apart and the HDD removed once. I know there are tons of forums and you tube videos but unfortunately I don't have the time to scour the internet for the best answer. Any help or advice would greatly be appreciated!
  2. WinterWolf

    System was reset, can I recover video?

    SOLVED - I was able to start up the unit without the HDD attached and set up a password on the set-up wizard. I plugged in the HDD after the unit was booted up and it recognized it and still had the video thankfully!