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J Field

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Posts posted by J Field

  1. Hi Tom,

    I was searching and searching and got stuck!  I have no idea what size of a HDD needs to go, with a 4 in 1 and up to 5 mp cameras. I couldn't find any recorders with camera combo systems.  It's all separate.  I was hoping to find a budget friendly system, to replace this current one.  

    Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!!   

    Thank You!!   

  2. Hi Tom,

    I was searching and searching and got stuck!  I have no idea what size of a HDD needs to go, with a 4 in 1 and up to 5 mp cameras. I couldn't find any recorders with camera combo systems.  It's all separate.  I was hoping to find a budget friendly system, to replace this current one.  

    Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!!   

    Thank You!!   

  3. Hi Tom,

    Thank you for the info!   You might want to check out your post on Nov 18, 2020.  You helped me with the SM-DVSUPER10.  You didn't "recommend" the Anlapus camera, you merely suggested it, as I had no idea what to get.   You attached a link to help me too!      

    I don't even know where to begin to look now, for a new system, with the things you mentioned.   Drats!  

    Thanks again for your time!  


  4. Hi Tom,

    Is it possible to convert a GW #1004HDSDI?  The DVR seems to be working fine. To replace any of the camera's is getting expensive.  We've had to replace quite a few of them, in the past.  I was wondering if the DVR can be converted, so that the Anlapus cameras would work?  (We really like this brand you suggested!)   :)    

    If not,  then what would you recommend for a new 4 camera system?  

    Thank you so much for your time!!   




  5. Hi Tom,

    Is it possible to convert a GW #1004HDSDI?  The DVR seems to be working fine. To replace any of the camera's is getting expensive.  We've had to replace quite a few of them, in the past.  I was wondering if the DVR can be converted, so that the Anlapus cameras would work?  (We really like this brand you suggested!)   :)    

    If not,  then what would you recommend for a new 4 camera system?  

    Thank you so much for your time!!   




  6. tomcctv---I hope you are still out there!   It has been awhile.  I hope all is well with you and your family!    I liked the camera you recommended and I replaced them all, in Nov.  I bought a new power supply, for just in case too! 

    As my luck would have it, the electricity went out long enough that my SM-DVSUPER10 system is on the blink again.  :(  

    After the power was restored this time, the screen flickers, but it's basically black  I tried to unplug it and wait a few, then plugged it back in. I replaced it with the new power supply and still it just blinks.  I am lost on what else to do.  I'm hoping you might know. 

    I'm sure it's probably an easy fix, but I have no idea what else to do.  

    Thank you very much for your time!


  7. tomcctv---I hope you are still out there!   It has been awhile.  I hope all is well with you and your family!    I liked the camera you recommended and I replaced them all, in Nov.  I bought a new power supply, for just in case too! 

    As my luck would have it, the electricity went out long enough that my SM-DVSUPER10 system is on the blink again.  :(  

    After the power was restored this time, the screen flickers, but it's basically black  I tried to unplug it and wait a few, then plugged it back in. I replaced it with the new power supply and still it just blinks.  I am lost on what else to do.  I'm hoping you might know. 

    I'm sure it's probably an easy fix, but I have no idea what else to do.  

    Thank you very much for your time!


  8. Hi!

    Good to know!    Gulp!  8 yrs old...sooo old!   :(  (Tell that to a kid!  ha ha)  j/k!!   I drive an antique then!!  he he    :)     

    I need to find some humor in all this, since it has taken a long time to get this puppy running again!!      Thank you sooo much!  I really appreciate your time and knowledge!!  

    Take care!  :)   

  9. Hi Tom! 

    I wanted to let you know that  everything is connected now and almost all are working.  One camera apparently bit the dust!  My handyman checked out the connections  I have no idea how I can replace it, since Sumas Media went out of business!  <sigh>  (Just my luck!) 

    Can you suggest how I can get a replacement for SM-DVSUPER10 system?!?  

    Thanks again and I'm so sorry to bother you again!!  

  10. Hi Tom,

    For some reason it won't arrive until tomorrow.   One Q? for you.......I'm wondering if I need to reset something?!?!   Or do I just unplug and then re plug everything back in, when it gets here?!? 

    Thanks again!  



  11. Hi!!  I shall work on it as soon as it arrives tomorrow!    Cute...."pigtails"!! he he         

    Thank goodness for pros that have the time to help old ladies!!   

    Thank You!!  :) 




  12. Hi!  So I need to ditch the splitter too?!?  The one I have won't work anymore?  Or is this a fresh start for this?!?!       I just ordered the one you recommended!!!

    I can't thank you enough!   This has been an interesting learning experience for me.  It's driving me nuts with these not working.  Hopefully, tomorrow, I'll get this puppy up and running again.........depending on Amazon delivering, at a decent time!! 

    Thank you Tom!!   Take care!


  13. Tom!!!

    I got brave and it took a looong time with all these cords, but I found it!! Thank Goodness!!!   The plug in part has no identifying numbers to order another one.   Do I need to order another split unit as well as the power supply?!?!?  The manual just shows the power splitter!   (The plugged in unit was a small black one.)   I do see in the manual Voltage output for camera 4 channel 12V@500ma.  I don't know if that is helpful for you or not?!?!

    I'm hoping to have this working B-4 my handyman arrives on Wed.   :)    I'm sorry for buggin you again!  Thanks!  


  14. Hi!

    It sounds easy enough.  Thing is..... there are lots of cords and and I'm unable to get back there and check it out.  My handyman will be here on Wed. and I'll have him check it out for me.  He's familiar with the tons of cords  and he's able to trace it better then me.  My BF should have labeled stuff in case of problems like this! 

    I hope my link helped you!

    Thanks again.  I hope you have a nice weekend!  


  15. Hi!  I stand corrected...I'm hearing the 2nd DVR running.  I saw the lights on, when I plugged in the power supply, so I thought it was running, but no pics.  <gulp!>

    I tried to upload a pic of the back of this DVR and it won't work because it's not a 1.2MB.   Drats!!  I wish I knew how to shrink the pic or whatever to upload it.

    I'm old and I have an old camera!!  Looking left to right.... there are 4 places for the cameras and then a blue connector, a black one and then the power supply, for the cameras.  I unplugged and removed it, since it won't work. 

    I'm a stuck duck for now.   

    Thank you again for your time and help!  

  16. Hi Tom,   Since there are two separate systems here, with the same model power supply, I swapped them.  I put the new power supply on the other system and hooked the original to the other one.   The new power supply works fine on the other system. 

    BUT, still no pictures are showing. Just a blue screen with numbers  <sigh>  

    Everything is plugged in like it's suppose to and I can hear it running. I just have no pics!   This is crazy.!       

    What else could have gotten zapped by the power outage and surges?!?

    Thank you!  

  17. Hi!     So the replacement should fix it's current problem!!  I actually ordered 2 of them to have a spare.  :)   

    Now, I just have to be patient and wait!!   Hopefully it'll arrive sooner then later! 

    Thank You Tom!!   Take care!!





  18. Hi Tom,  I ordered the exact CS power supply that I currently have.  It's going to take awhile to get here.  
    My question to you is........now that the exact same power supply will replace the current one and the new one ends up NOT working, heavens forbid,  What else could possibly be wrong with this DVR?!?!   OR system?   

    Thanks again for your time. I really appreciate it!!!


  19. Hi!

    I'm sorry I'm not able to send a link.  I had no idea there were so many power supply cords! Geesh!   I ordered another power cord and I'll find out tomorrow if I ordered the "right" one. 

    I'll keep you posted!   Thank You Tom!



  20. Hi Tom,

    I just received a new power supply for the cameras. I plugged it in and no nothing!  What else might be going on with this?  Wrong replacement? 

    Or...I need to do something else to get this puppy working, with a new power supply?!?!     I had no idea this was sooo complicated.  <sigh>  

    Thanks again!  I hope you had a nice weekend!!  


