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Everything posted by Tbar

  1. So no one is willing to help.......... Thought that was what these forms were for. Tbar
  2. I have read through the post and the corresponding TXDPS site and they do not specifically say what license is required. I was hoping some one could pin point it for me. Tbar We have determined that a class B license is required. This is a very complicated, confusing bureaucratic gauntlet to negotiate. Its a real shame we have to recreate the wheel here. We want to get our license and not have work under the radar.........just wanted some one that has gone through it before to give mentoring information. Step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, etc......... Tbar
  3. I have read through the post and the corresponding TXDPS site and they do not specifically say what license is required. I was hoping some one could pin point it for me. Tbar
  4. A friend and I do some cat 5 work here in Texas and are looking into doing CCTV jobs. Do we need a license to do this work and if so what specific license is required to hook 4 cameras to a DVR for customers??? Tbar