Hello everyone,
I'm trying to upgrade a VTO (3211D) using files from here https://www.ip-phone-forum.de/threads/dahua-vto-vth-firmware-link-sammlung-anleitungen.305121/
My current version is 3.20.9999000.0.R
1st trial try is on this one
But I keep getting upgrade fail at 50%
Thanks to the advice I found on this topic:
I tried with congiftool5.0 or VDPconfig or configtool 3.2
I tried with the zip file that I renamed .zip.bin, or the main .bin file inside the .zip
I tried to change port tcp 37777 to 3800 with the web service but after reboot, VTO goes back to 37777, not sure why. I didn't see how to change port from configtool
I tried older firmwares also
But it keeps failing
What am I missing ?