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Everything posted by Bncrpt

  1. Bncrpt

    Major camera issue bizarre!

    Howdy all! Stumbled across this forum on my search for a solution to a ridiculous issue. Have been wracking my brains since installing my old setup in our new house. Older Hik dvr and OzSpy HD cams. New BNC cables used( And have tested with old ones same issue) have also tested with different power supplies, no change. Basically running 6 AHD cams, 4 of one spec (4.0mp, 3.6mm lense,720p i think)and 2 of another spec.( 2.0mp, 3.6mm lenses, 1080p) The issue is with the 4...All show an extremely narrow field of view , lot narrower than I remember them being yrs back! Almost as though zoomed, or only part of the image. I will include some screen grabs as an example, showing what it does randomly...now keep in mind I have the cameras mounting under eaves and basically parallel to ground as high as roof allows just to show what is below it.( almost like the camera is viewing at a downward angle rather than straight out thru lens if that makes sense?) The two cameras I'll use as demo show side gates, however will randomly flick to showing what you would expect to see considering they are aimed high, for a couple seconds here and there! Pic shows the usual narrow image of gates, then flicks to a completely different picture showing the front yard/houses etc Keep in mind the cameras are hard against the eaves so this isn't camera being moved up lol Any advice or suggestions on what could be causing this would be appreciated I'm stumped... Thanks guys! Todd