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Chris Callie

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Everything posted by Chris Callie

  1. Hello, I recently acquired a few older pelco medium duty PTZ mounts. They're driven from 24Vac with a simple joystick controller. Does a converter to any RS485 protocol exist for something like this? My web searches have come up empty, although I probably don't know the proper term to call what I'm looking for.
  2. Chris Callie

    24vac PTZ Controller

    Right, I understand the differences. I wasn't sure if anyone made a converter. Do you have more information or a link for a Manchester box?
  3. Chris Callie

    24vac PTZ Controller

    I don't actually have a controller for it currently. I just put power to the motors to test function. I see it works with something like Pelco's MPT24DT or MPTAZ series, but neither of those offer RS232 or RS485 control. Ultimately, I'd love to control it with an Axis Q7401 encoder or similar. They speak all sorts of Pelco protocols.