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  1. I have applet servlet communication working *almost* perfectly. The applet and servlet communicate using http object passing. The only problem is that a few people (unfortunatly the main client get file not found errors of: java.io.FileNotFoundException:http// I know they're behind a firewall and use a proxy, but other people using firewalls and proxies have been able to access the page without problems. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get around this as the client needs to be able to see it from behind their proxy. As they are not amazingly computer literate, it would be better if I could make changes with the code and not get them to reconfig their proxy - but if thats what it takes Cheers and if you need any more info please ask...
  2. Thanx for the reply. That was the first thing I check with each of those users, is to be sure that they have java installed or i instruct them how to install it. Any other thoughts? do you not think that its a corporate firewall of some sort on their end that is preventing them from viewing?
  3. ..to stream CCTV video to the internet. I am having issues with some clients not being able to view the video feed on the web page. (The web page uses a java applet to stream the video). I think it may be a corporate network issue on the client side. Is there a way to code the web page so that it tunnels through their network and allows them to view the video? Thanx.