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Residential CCTV'er
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Everything posted by dopalgangr

  1. dopalgangr

    OK - We are back

    YAY! I didnt realize how much I used this sight until it wasnt there I'm glad its back up!! Happy 4th to everyone!
  2. dopalgangr

    Clearest night vision camera clip from China

    You guys make the weirdest websites Looks good to me, whats the daytime picture look like? What are the specs?
  3. dopalgangr

    Need Help Finding a DVR System

    I really like the Avermedia EB1304NET NV1304NSP and the G4-LTA8 Hikvision I'll pm you some lnks
  4. dopalgangr

    Need Help Finding a DVR System

    How many channels, ip or analog or hybrid, need more info
  5. Hello all, I have a dome camera (Laice LVD-SE920XI-36DUFH ) that I got a little rough with trying to fish the cable and pulled the BNC connector off the end. I did a repair on the cable but the wires are so fine that it just isn't getting a great picture now and I would like to just replace it. Of course after several attempts to contact the company (Korea) they never respond. I assume this maybe a standard type cable used on many different dome cameras?? If anyone has one they will part with or sell me I would be very grateful, thanks. Heres some pics (big ones) This is the camera end connector (white and blacks) the other end has the power and video BNC- Whole camera:
  6. dopalgangr

    Help PRETTY PLEASE. Need cable for Dome Camera

    Thanks Tailbone, I did exactly that already (although my soldering skills suck) and I think thats the problem why the video looks like crap. Maybe I need to find someone who knows what their doing with a soldering gun Thanks again though for your input
  7. dopalgangr

    Help PRETTY PLEASE. Need cable for Dome Camera

    Where's my CCTV brethren when I need them?
  8. Has anyone heard of this chipset and if so is it newer or been out for a while? Also the most important question, is it any good?
  9. dopalgangr

    Help with DVR decision, which to buy...

    No brand names huh? It may be a Hikvision or some other name brand DVR and they do that so it makes it harder to search for a better price on the same model. Or it might be junk and they don't want you to research it by its real name and find out. Both of which makes me leery. Or they could have built (either from quality parts or junk). Would you buy a car if it was advertised as just a "car"? Remember, both a Chevy Cavalier and a BMW can both do 100mph, but I bet the B'mer does it faster and better
  10. dopalgangr

    "spy camera" real use?

    I thought about getting the eyeball cam once to play with, from those supplied pictures on their website I'm glad I didn't now. Those of the vehicle in broad daylight seem to dark. This should be the best the camera will do since it has plenty of light, just think how dark it would be in a normal room. I do have the 4gb pen camera, it works pretty good but don't think I would bet my investigation on it. Get a decent DVR (even a one channel if thats all you need) and a good pin hole or lipstick cam. Both can be hidden just as easily (the camera that is) and the video will be alot better.
  11. dopalgangr

    Should You use PTZ Cameras?

    What about something cool like this http://www.arecontvision.com/index.php?section=product&subsection=product_details&product_id=25
  12. dopalgangr

    License Plate Setup

    The REG-LI-875-XE 75mm claims it will capture plates from up to 75' in any lighting conditions, however I have never used it. I also believe it is being discontinued and is pretty expensive. The angle from the corner of your building may also be to great as these cameras work best from more direct angles. Do you have power and the ability to run cable to the sign? If so I would probably try to mount it in there or on it. I believe there was a license plate capture camera listed on here in the classifieds, don't know if its a good one and I think it would need to be mounted in an enclosure. Maybe you could get a vandal proof one and use something like that?
  13. dopalgangr

    Should You use PTZ Cameras?

    Sure they can (for $1000) There called autotracking PTZ's http://www.skywaysecurity.com/auto-tracking-ptz-camera-video.cfm
  14. dopalgangr

    Need Reviews for Intellicam JS-16XLA

    I have had the Intellicam JS-16XLA for several months now and love it. I am thinking of selling it though for an 8-channel because I use it at my residence and have never had more than 4 cameras. Been a month or so since you posted and dont know if you bought one or not. PM if you would want to access it.
  15. Anyone ever use this one? http://computarganz.com/product_view.cfm?product_id=775 Would anyone want to pm me a decent price on one?
  16. dopalgangr

    IR Lighting for closeup with miniature camera

    Something like this although I wouldnt buy from them there prices are high (IMO)...Anything with a Sony EX-View chipset should give you great low lux ratings and excellent low light video. I would also get a wide angle lense for it. http://www.supercircuits.com/Security-Cameras/Board-Cameras/PC402UXP You could also use black paint and paint over a couple of the ir's to take some of them out of the picture.
  17. dopalgangr

    Should You use PTZ Cameras?

    In a way I would have to agree with you. I purchased a $600 PTZ camera for my backyard with the thought that I could use it to patrol the entire area and have a one stop solution instead of get two or three cameras. In the end I have it zoomed in to the rear entry door that is the only access point into the house from the backyard. I could have just gotten a decent $300 camera with a decent zoom to accomplish the same thing. It also lacks the night time capabilities of some of the lesser expensive fixed cameras I did have it patrolling the yard but stopped it from doing that because in order to get decent footage I had to slow the pan/tilt down and found that someone could pass through one side of the yard while it was viewing the other. I also worried that constant panning, tilting, and refocusing would shorten the lifespan of the camera. I will know better next time
  18. Wow, this would be GREAT I was just contemplating getting rid of my DVR and analog cameras, coax, etc for some mega pixels. I hope this is true and they are just as good as the current ones. This would save me alot of time and hopefully some money. I will have to keep my eye on this, thanks for sharing!!!
  19. dopalgangr

    cheap 10-15" monitor

    Try www.techbargains.com thats where I find my best deals
  20. dopalgangr

    why is a $300 true day/night better then a infrared?

    I think the issue here is your posting style can be confused with what spammers do. We all learn from each other and I would rather see what contributions you have to offer, other than spamming your products. I concur in a positive note, I think China gets a bad rap alot and I would just like to see samples taken from the cameras if they are so great. To many people in this industry make claims with not substance to support them Providing visual proof helps out both the consumer and the seller.
  21. dopalgangr

    AXIS 231D+ PTZ New $1200 + PSU = Save $1000

    Man they still make DietRite cola??
  22. dopalgangr

    Panasonic WV-CP484

    Got two, not very good recognition at night The first the person is stationary @35' away from camera: Here moving at 25' or less away:
  23. dopalgangr

    Panasonic WV-CP484

    Dont have any with people yet, but heres one at night after the garage motion detector lights came on:
  24. dopalgangr

    Panasonic WV-CP484

    Well prior to me muking with the settings the grass seemed more normal looking and the colors were better. But the picture seemed dark. Let me see if I can find one to post to show what I mean. ***heres one from another angle but you can see what I mean: