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Residential CCTV'er
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Everything posted by dopalgangr

  1. dopalgangr

    Unbranded 4ch "DVR HARD DISK FAIL"

    Download this http://www.seagate.com/ww/v/index.jsp?locale=en-US&name=seatools-win&vgnextoid=552bd20cacdec010VgnVCM100000dd04090aRCRD Hook the drive back up to the pc and run those diags on it, then tell me the results
  2. dopalgangr

    Unbranded 4ch "DVR HARD DISK FAIL"

    Did it come with the hard disk or did you put it in yourself? Is it IDE or SATA? Is the hard disk old or brand new? Was the disk already formatted in a pc? Gotta answer those first for me to make an accurate statement. If its IDE make sure the jumper is set to Master (sometimes depending on the make of the drive it will say Master no slave present, sometimes Master is not jumpers at all) If the drive is older or used you can goto the drive manufactures website and download their diagnostic software. You will have to hook the drive up to a pc in order to run the software though.
  3. Ended up never getting this However, I looked again on their website and found it. So here is the powerpoint presentation on how to set up the Acti cameras for best video quality. (its 37mb) Enjoy http://www.acti.com/download_file/Product/support/%7B292EB505-34C8-4EE2-9F5E-C997CBCC062.PPT EDIT - ITs also from 2007
  4. thewireguys , Were you able to share that Powerpoint on how to set up the Acti cameras? If not could you please just post the 1231 and the 5611 settings? Thanks
  5. I'm not sure if your looking for something you saw in Mission Impossible or something Just kidding. I cant speak to the Geovision cards but from what I've read in hear and the pictures and video people have posted they seem top notch. As for the reliability of the camera, that too really will vary. I have bought name brand cameras that have failed on me. I would look for ones that carry good warranties and have good return policies. I believe some (or all) Speco cameras for instance have 3yr warranties but I have heard of people on here having issues with them. So what good is it even though its covered for 3yrs if I have to pay and insure it to ship it to them to fix? For the viewing question, if your "view locally" means looking at them over the monitor thats connected directly to the DVR I would say that the quality would be excellent. However if your meaning connecting to them via your lan it still becomes a bandwidth issue. Viewing all the cameras at full resolution over 1Meg connection will be impossible. Others please correct me here if I'm wrong.
  6. Well, I'm a cheap skate (or maybe just thrifty) and hate to post this (admin please remove if this violates the rules) but when buying things the thrifty buyer searches everywhere. Yeah, I dunno that I'd be trusting my jobs to "thrifty" cable... remember this thread? http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=17877 Yeah, thats true with anything thats "less expensive". I would always buy one first to test the quality. Cat6 is a heaver gauge wire as well and should have caused less problems for the guy in that thread had he used it. I generally put RJ45's on each end when I first open the box and run my Fluke Networks Net Tool on it to send some packets and test the cable. This also tells me how long it is so I know if I got shorted or not
  7. I see everyone is in the forum. You know what would be great would be if the forum had a chat style room where we could all enter and talk to each other live. That would be cool.
  8. Well, I have personally owned the DVR's that Mike recommended and found them to be solid systems. I think for the same money by the time you purchase an equivalent PC-Card that can support 24 cameras at the same resolution, you may find that it is very expensive. Then add a pc that can handle that hardware and the drives for all that storage and it will crank the price back up again. Personally I prefer the stand-alone over the pc-card because I dont have to worry about compatibility issues or other things. But everyone has their preferences. Like Mike said, we would need more information on the types of cameras and where and how they would be utilized to ensure you purchase the correct ones for the task at hand. His is closer to your budget though.
  9. I almost posted a price list with the same build out as Mike from his site, but I was afraid to break any rules. So you could go that way too. EDIT- I see Mike has himself a new banner flashing above, so I guess its legit. Way to go Mike!!
  10. Well, I'm a cheap skate (or maybe just thrifty) and hate to post this (admin please remove if this violates the rules) but when buying things the thrifty buyer searches everywhere. Here it is for $75 and free shipping. I know if I dig enough I could find it cheaper http://www.eforcity.com/pcabcat60027.html?efprcggbadtf090605=pcabcat60027 use the code SHIP25 for free shipping. As Mike from Shoreview will attest, I am the Google master
  11. I dont know how much this costs but it looks interesting and maybe just what your looking for http://www.security-int.com/categories/wireless-surveillance-security-camera/3g-wireless-security-camera-for-surveillance.asp
  12. Or this may work (prices are retail of course) 24 Acti 4201 - $250 each = $6000 (assuming all cameras are inside) 1000' of CAT 6 - $60 each (dont know how much you will need 24 channel NVR Software (free with the cameras if you can get it to work) if not Luxriot is $1300 for unlimited cameras PC to record them $1200 Cisco SLM248G4PS 48-port Gigabit Smart Ethernet Switch with PoE - $730 Total - $9350 EDIT- and actually you only get 16 cameras for free, so you would have to purchase the NVR software
  13. Even if you did it yourself, I seriously doubt you can get a system with 24 cameras (that are quality of course) plus a dvr solution and all the cabling for $4k . Plan on at least double your budget. You could get 6 of these http://www.x10.com/products4/google/xx16a_as_cam_41806_ps_vcr_2_0418.html
  14. Or this would work too http://www.cabelas.com/p-0057195418542a.shtml video http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/community/product_features/photos/images/4_archery/pf_418542_smartscouter_041708.wmv
  15. Wouldn't that require local Wifi access at the camera location? There isn't any Wifi. Just more useless info , sure it would. Check out this site http://www.evdoinfo.com/content/view/2613/64/ All you would need would be one of those type routers (as long as it has a RJ45 jack) and a decent network camera (I believe AK357 on here carries an inexpensive one). I have used the following made by TopGlobal MB5000k ($170) and the MB6800 (give you more ports but not much else) I like these routers because you are able to use lots of different 3G/4G Cellular PCMCIA cards so what ever coverage is in your area will most likely work in the router. I can even set one up for you with my Verizon card if you want to check it out. I dont know about the whole thing for under $200 but you could definitely put something like this together for 300-400, remember though you will need unlimited data plan for 24/7 surveillance so that runs about $50 a month here, maybe cheaper where you are.
  16. dopalgangr

    Tools needed to get started

    Ahh, looks like I maybe calling you for help now Marty
  17. dopalgangr

    Tools needed to get started

    How hard was it to put in that Ademco 20p? I bought one with all the parts a year or so ago and it seemed complicated. Its been sitting on the floor all still in the box in my study.
  18. dopalgangr

    Very new to Cameras

    You could, just be careful how close you get them to the floods. There is a photocell in the camera that switches it to BW at night and turns on the IR's if the light from the floods reaches it, it may interfere with it and cause the IR's not to come on and keep the camera in the color mode thus making the picture worse. You also dont want any glare reaching the lens of the cameras. I PM you my email address, send me the picture so I can see what your talking about.
  19. dopalgangr

    Ultrak KXR2316 DVR - help me please

    i will send him a PM for you
  20. dopalgangr

    Ultrak KXR2316 DVR - help me please

    If you can get to the interface, why not just use Google or something else to translate the words you see on the screen. You should be able to figure it out that way. Or you could PM SeanMort the originator of the HDD thread on this unit.
  21. dopalgangr

    Very new to Cameras

    Simple, add more IR Illuminators or a regular flood light on a dusk-dawn motion sensor. Something powerful like these http://www.google.com/products?q=IR+illuminator&hl=en&aq=f
  22. dopalgangr

    IP camera Software

    I have to agree to an extent, I want the best value for my money though. If I buy something that normally costs $300 for $100 and it breaks I'm still out a $100 bucks I have to say I really like this idea, however what if this were to get big and really cause the manufactures to do the opposite? Instead of falling in line they pull back and become more proprietary than ever? Look at Sony for example. Not only are a lot of their digital cameras using the more expensive memory stick pro (although some did/do use SD) but there pricing is very stable across the board. All the manufactures have to do is change the way the camera sends its information, either by encrypting it or making proprietary codecs, or whatever. And force you to use their software in order to use their cameras or other large companies that they have banded with. In the end if you are now stuck with a free piece of software that will only work with no name or sub-par cameras, then they still win. Could this go this way? What are your thoughts?
  23. dopalgangr

    IP camera Software

    WOW FREE!!?? I wish I would have read that before I dropped that coin on the Luxriot software Dont know if it supports Acti cameras but they will give you the SDK for their cameras free (they only have one). Also, nothings really free is it? How would you benefit from it? I would be willing to beta test it for you and provide detailed feedback if your interested.
  24. Thanks man, your the GREATEST!! Although you probably get tired of hearing things like that I greatly appreciate it!!
  25. Wire Guy, Would you mind sharing that Powerpoint with the different settings? I could really use it. I looked on there site and see some docs that I downloaded but not the one that you show above. Thanks