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Everything posted by Ispywithmylittleeye

  1. I have seen this weird lines showing up randomly during different nights. What is the issue here? I have checked the voltages, wires, everything is fine. My system is made of 1 Hikvision DVR, 2 power supplies 12V 5A, 4 Hikvision 5MP 40m IR cameras (max power consumption 0.5A/camera) and I'm using 8mp video baluns and cat 5e cable UTP. Used outdoors. The lines appear on 2 cameras powered by the same power supply, being at 35 meters/ 25 meters away. But only on one of them these lines seems to be more visible (the 25 m away one). I have to mention that all power is supplied from the same cord. I am using 3 pairs for the power supply for the affected cameras and still have the issue so I dont think its voltage related. Here is how this situation looks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8cichfr3qks435z/screen_recording_20210523-225806_hik-connect.mp4?dl=0 For some reason, if I take a screenshot not all the lines appear. What do you think it is?
  2. Ispywithmylittleeye

    What is happening here? Help?

    I will try load balancing and update. I also use all pairs available for powering. + for full color and - for the stripes wires for the 2 cameras.
  3. Ispywithmylittleeye

    What is happening here? Help?

    So why is it bad to do solid color for + and stripes for -? Before I had the diagram as you said but it was the same. Also i m thinking to power the long run cameras like this: for 1 power supply: 1 20m camera and 1 35m camera and for the other power supply 1 15m camera and 1 25 m camera,insted of both 25/35 meters cameras on same power supply. Do you think it will help?
  4. Ispywithmylittleeye

    What is happening here? Help?

    Hmm, but I have around 85 feet to the camera and if it consumes 2A it means the powers supply is enough, since I use 2 cameras for 1 power supply. Also only during last night I saw this lines appear, before it was unnoticeable lines. Also did you see the video in dropbox link? I will try this weekend to connect only 1 camera to the power supply and see.