Camera is a vissior 1600.
pc dvr 4net dvr card by swann.
rs485 to rs232 converter.
From the top:
I purchased and installed the pc dvr 4net card by swann.
I installed 3 sony bullet cams and got those up and working.
I am now working on the ptz camera and i am not sure if i even have all the supplies needed to run the device.
So far i have the ptz camera hooked up and it is working only as a standalone.
I installed the rs485 converter to the pc and proceeded to wire it but i am not sure where the wires go?
the camera itself has 2 signal wires for the ptz function labeled as rs + and -. the instructions say to use a twisted pair. (I am a bit confused on the twisted pair) do they mean phone wire? or phone wire with a twisted pair module?
the converter has 6 terminals and they are listed as-
The instructions are not clear weather i need to supply the converter with 5volts or not? where the ground goes and what are the signal out puts?
Can anyone please help?