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John captain

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  1. John captain

    Time counting wrong on DVR MURDER CASE

    Well its not against me I’m not dead.. i think the police tampered with it.. and when provided to me it was messed with .they gave the same file to the ID Discovery as well.. so its odd that it jumps and water marks are not always part of each item from the Governement however the chain of custody was them directly to me… and I’m not in court … I’m in my home .. but i agree with what you said .. i do not have any clue how they cut it.. but I got it from the police my self thats how it was.. and what I’m asking is exactly what ur telling me.. i think it’s messed with .. c cctv really don't have meds tags does it or inside details ? ..
  2. John captain

    Time counting wrong on DVR MURDER CASE

    I am the ex boyfriend to the victim and yes i have been investigating this case. The fact that the font can be of multi colors i have not yet seen however i trust if you have would that be only part of them ? as for the time count its 10 seconds jumps… not minutes … and from all my reocrders H264, Magic lite, Sedco, Pelco, Sanyo and a few others i just never seen that time can even jump once … no it once time did it.. unless back in the VCR days.. no sadly i do not have the original tape only what Police gave me (sold to me) and what they gave to ID Discovery wonderland Tiffany Jenks however they have been lying about the murder and like i said the counting odd style seems to begin as the people are entering or taking Tiffany away… so its odd… thank you for your help… and for the time to reply …
  3. Hello, a murder in Portland Oregon took place and the CCTV from the DVR provided shows 2 major defects and i would like your comments if you would care enough to let me know please. the first issue is the counter jumps from. A count of. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23m24m34,35,36,37,38,39 and only when it matters does it jump in addition the playing of the video seems to skip the numbers mentioned .. the 2nd is from interviews provided from Police the date was 2 colors have you seen that before like 10-11- is in yellow and 2013 and time is white …