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Everything posted by kdreger

  1. We currently have a Specto NVR connected to a small IP hub. all the current cameras are BNC Analog cameras and we are going to put inn a Point-to-Point 5Gz wireless transmission point with 3 cameras over 1200' from the main server. My question is will the NVR be able to see the ip cameras even though they are not directly attached to the NVR? They are on the LAN and the NVR has the ability to scan for ip cameras.... Any thoughts???
  2. kdreger

    Geovision ALPR

    We are planing to transition to a new Geovision ALPR system for our community gate and I would like to get some feed back on some items. Our camera vendor is suggesting CCTV Forums IP7 camera and the A4BZ cameras for our needs. Does anyone have a running ALPR system that can give me advice on how to start setting this up? I have it downloaded and installed on my home system but since we don't have any ip cameras on the WAN I am finding it a little hard to get things configured....... Any help is much appreciated....
  3. kdreger

    new member

    I just signed up to see if the forum can answer some of my questions. I am trying to get an ALPR system up for our community front gate using Geovision products.
  4. As a gated community we are in the need and replacement (Stolen) of a new CCTV Closed system that operates at our front gate area in the community. We DON'T have Internet here in the middle of BFE and need to run 6-8 cameras within a 100' radius to cover traffic and cover the gate entrance. We HAD 4 closed system hard wired cameras as of last week (Now Stolen)! And want to figure out a way to replace them. We are looking at maybe Wireless ones but these will need power sources in areas where we don't have a lot of power. Our best option is to pole mount several of these on either side of the gates in forward & reverse looking directions to cover the areas. So, what I would like to ask is: 1. Can I take a router and set it up as a LAN (Intranet) router only to ONLY talk to the IP Cameras we may purchase? 2. What would be a good DVR system that can withstand the TEXAS Heat & Cold enclosed in a 6x6x6 wooden storage area that can support 8 cameras and a week of storage incase we need it. In the future we are planning on a community Fiber backbone to this area so we would like to have that option down the road in a year or two to connect them all to this new community fiber network... Thanks in advance for any responses and will be happy to add in additional information if needed.... Respectfully, Ken
  5. kdreger

    Intranet System for Security Gate needed

    Interesting items, not sure if this is the way we may want to go yet, but thanks for showing them to me.
  6. kdreger

    Intranet System for Security Gate needed

    We don't have a security booth, so we will have to look into some sort of compartment heat & AC system for this when replaced. Budget is prob around $5-8k for replacement cams, equipment and setup. We do have 2 cams that were not stolen that are currently working. The problem here is the area where the cams are is just like solid ROCK! As is much of Hill country, lots and lots of Limestone rock....not much dirt...We can trench with a BIG Rock cutting machine and lay conduit for lines and power if needed. We will prop hire that part out since we are just old farts...
  7. kdreger

    Intranet System for Security Gate needed

    Thanks for the reply, we will look into a climate controlled area, here in Central Texas, North of Austin we get temps from 29-105! That is just TEXAS Hill Country for ya....
  8. kdreger

    Need help catching illegal dumpers

    A full dump truck of trash! Bummer.... I guess I would start off by filing a report with the local PD or sheriff and ask them to do a drive by at night if they can. Or install some type of gate first to keep folks out. Maybe do some overnight surveillance of your own? If all that fails then I would do some type of road entrapment device that tears the crap out of tires! ROAD SPIKES... I have used the Hunting cameras and they are only good for short ranges and have rough quality, they are great for hog pens but that is about it. Good luck finding what you need and keep us posted on your capture rate!
  9. Well, I have just about had it! We have 4 IR cams installed at our campground that run hardwired into a CCTV-DVR system. We hafe SkyBlue as our ISP via a Sat. Link that seems to run ok for speed. From the SkyBlue modem I run a ethernet wire into my Linksys router main port and from that I have a ethernet cable that runs over to our DVR in a trailer. I have port 50000 being forwarded from the linksys router to the fixed IP address of the DVR There is no PC in this configuration for the DVR system, just the DVR & CCTV & Router & Modem. All windows firewall settings are turned off also. We are useing the tools from a vendor who has a web interface a ddns provider, and our system is registered there with its MAC address etc. I seem to be able to "Touch" the DVR via the WAN because the Ethernet light comes on when I make that connection, BUT I have no pictures of the monitors we have! This was working about 2 months ago, but we had a line break and had to replace it. WE tested the new line prior to reinstalling it and it checked out just fine. So, is or are there other things I need to do to make this darn thing work? I need this up last month to watch over camp while we are not there... Can anyone shed some light on this? I don't know the DVR brand YET, but will get it in a day or so. Ken
  10. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Well, I went to camp Friday, took apart the DVR! It had 1 250 Gig HD with 2 wire staps, one disconnected, and the other to the MASTER drive, but what looked like on CH 2! So, I rewired it to be on Ch 1, slapped it back togather, powered it up and went into ADMIN for the Hard Drive! IT now allowed me to CLEAR the drive, and then stated it WAS recording! So, with all this excitement I connected my laptop and made the WEB connection! BANG! IT WORKED! So, It seems that it had to be RECORDING inorder to allow the picture to be displayed BACk thru the internet! So, for now it seems to be working ok, have to work out some of the kinks, timeing, sharing etc....... So, MANY MANY MANY thanks to all of you who helped in this process........ And all our Minutemen at camp also thank you, this will help us maintain a safe and secure canp for all of us at Camp Vigilance. Ken
  11. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Small question, after months of trying out WHY our cams are not showing up on the LAN or WAN I checked the DVR after a total reset back to factory defaults and then re-define of all the IP stuff. The system seems to be NOT RECORDING! There is a sliding BAR on the top right that should be advancing, bUT is NOT! I checked ALL the individual cam settings and they specify recored ON for all 5 of them, however the BAR never increases even after days of recording. The system is set to LOOP over old recordings, BUT when I try to go to the Hard Drive Management, the system says that MASTER 2 needs to be CLEARED! BUT it will NOT allow me to do anything to clear it! So, the question is: Could or does the recording function be the problem with the displays NOT showing UP from the LAN or WAN connection viewer? It ONLY shows up on the direct connected monitor! Ken
  12. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    just did a port scan, and it seems that the port 50000 has tcp open with iiimsf after the message from the nmap? Ken
  13. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    will try that in a few minutes.
  14. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Thanks, I found another one, and newer viewer softare, tried this and still same issues of nothing showing up remotley when connected. Viewer just says Connected. Ken
  15. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Yes, I have XP Pro, and disabled ALL firewalls.
  16. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Yes, the software here on my PC is configured for port 50000 which is what the DVR is useing and is on the router at camp. Have not checked the firmware level yet, but this is a new DVR, only 2 months old now. I don't have the MFG web site to get any info about it, if you can point me to that this also might help, I have looked all over for one, looks like it may be a 3rd party brand of another mfgr.
  17. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    The Laptop is independent of the DVR, and the prior setup was with a smaller 4 camera setup that has been removed and replaced with the 8 cam setup. Port 50000 is setup at the DRV & Router, the router is forwarding 50000 directley to the DVR as we can see the yellow Ethernet light go active when we connect to it, but no picture shows up on the remote viwewer.
  18. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    The DVR is called Best picture Quality-JPEG2000 The pictures show up on the local monitor just fine, and each cam is enabled to record on 5 sec intervals.
  19. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    I check the IP address prior to connecting, I have a laptop at camp where I run Logmein so I can see it remotley and get the external IP address so that is not the issue. It connects to the inside DVR, we see the light go active on the DVR unit, but NO images are getting transferred back to the viewer at the other end....
  20. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Well, I am here at camp, and figured out HOW to get the Darn DDNS registered! went to the manual, and it had an IP address in it that I just plugged into the DDNS registration menue, and said register! I opened a browser up with that same IP address, and it was the DDNS provider I have been useing all along! But now the DVR registers! So, I got into the Linksys router and port forwarded all the ports I have found in postings here to the DVR's IP address. I open the Remote viewerwhile on INTERNET now and set the userid and password and port number along with the EXTERNAL IP address and the Ethernet light comes ON at the DVR! But no pictures on the laptop, SAME thing happens if I use the INTRANET internal IP address I have tried setting various Pelco_D, PELCO-P Baud rattings and still same results. DVR seems to be Best Quality JPEG2000, 8 Channel Stand Alone DVR Ken
  21. kdreger

    Donations of Equipment

    I have a 501c3 non-profit corporation in California, and we are looking for folks who may want to donate CCTV type equipment for one of our projects. If you have or know of someone who may want to make a donation, please PM me and I will give you the details. We will provide you with a letter for the IRS for the donation at full value. Thanks for this site. Ken Larry, hope this falls within permissable postings here.
  22. kdreger

    Hi from Kalifornia

    Hello everyone, just dropped in to post some questions on a setup I have at our camp at the Border here in Kalifornia. Hope you all can lend us a hand in resolving any issues we have... Ken
  23. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Thomas, I saw that also, but this did work for many months with no change to the Sat Modem from us. I was thinking about the configuration settings in the DVR, and there is a DDNS screen that we use to connect to the DDNS provider. When we try to register the DVR we get a message that it FAILS to register! I think that the address of the DDNS provider may be wrong! Ken
  24. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    I just did a NMAP here from home to the camp site and here are the results: Starting Nmap 4.68 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2008-08-20 09:39 Pacific Daylight Time Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 09:39 Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 09:39, 0.09s elapsed Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 09:39 Scanning 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( [1715 ports] Discovered open port 80/tcp on Discovered open port 8080/tcp on Increasing send delay for from 0 to 5 due to 12 out of 29 dropped probes since last increase. Increasing send delay for from 5 to 10 due to 11 out of 17 dropped probes since last increase. Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 09:40, 47.91s elapsed (1715 total ports) Initiating Service scan at 09:40 Scanning 2 services on 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( Completed Service scan at 09:40, 5.01s elapsed (2 services on 1 host) Initiating OS detection (try #1) against 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( Retrying OS detection (try #2) against 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( Initiating Traceroute at 09:40 guessing hop distance at 1 Completed Traceroute at 09:40, 0.00s elapsed SCRIPT ENGINE: Initiating script scanning. Initiating SCRIPT ENGINE at 09:40 Completed SCRIPT ENGINE at 09:40, 1.03s elapsed Host 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( appears to be up ... good. Interesting ports on 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( Not shown: 1713 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http? |_ HTML title: Site doesn't have a title. 8080/tcp open http-proxy? Device type: firewall Running (JUST GUESSING) : ZyXEL ZyNOS 3.X (96%) Aggressive OS guesses: ZyXEL ZyWALL 2 or Prestige 660HW-61 ADSL router (ZyNOS 3.62) (96%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). TRACEROUTE (using port 80/tcp) HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.00 75-104-107-132.cust.wildblue.net ( Read data files from: C:\Program Files\Nmap OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 61.270 seconds Raw packets sent: 2814 (128.920KB) | Rcvd: 1743 (80.170KB)
  25. kdreger

    Help for Camp please

    Have not tried those yet, but will put in my bad of test ideas for Friday. I assume that I have to be on the LAN to do these commands.