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Everything posted by dogchainx

  1. dogchainx

    DIY for family-owned pharmacy

    I work at a family-owned pharmacy. Robbery, break ins, etc weren't a huge concern until lately with a lot of Oxycontin robberies happening at other local pharmacies. We have a very good security system, but now we want to include a video surveillance system We got a quote from local dealers going around $3500 for installation of a 4 -camera video DVR system. As a DIY guru, I looked at what they wanted to install, would cost us around $1200 if I did it myself. Here's what I'm looking at implementing. Any criticisms/comments are very welcome. Hardware: DVR: Intellicam System's G4-4XLA Cameras: 1x-Intellicam's AD-AV1000VIR 2x-SVD-42IR25 (from 2mcctv) 1x-mini-camera IR (not yet finalized...) Power: 12v AC/DC adapters for each camera. Cables: Video/DC extensions for each camera. (intellicam's cables) Excuse the ASCII.... O = SVD-42IR25 (from 2mcctv) cameras {O}=Intellicam's AD-AV1000VIR ______________ | O \ | \ \\ <-Entrance | \ \ ______ | \ | | | | | | | | | | / \ | | / \ | | ___/_______________\_ [ ] <-- drive up window | / RX Counter \ [ ] |__{O}___________________O| As you can see (hopefully) there are three main cameras. All are IR, all are dome cameras. The {O} intellicam AD-AV1000VIR on the bottom left corner is the main deterrent for anyone looking how to rob or break into the pharmacy since it is very...well...aggressive looking. The other two (bottom right, top left) are visible, but not intrusive-looking to daily customers. We don't want the feeling that our customers are being watched intently, but that we do have security cameras. At night, there is very little light, so having IR cameras setup is needed. The 4th camera is going to be a very small miniature camera mounted inside, but looking out the drive up window. This will be for records of people during the day time, and at night time for records of people trying to break in. This miniature camera I'm still looking into. 2mcctv has very small ones, and B/W should be fine. It has to fit between a window, and a window blind. So far, thats what I have in mind. My questions: -Having multiple IR cameras together, concentrating on one spot, will having that much IR be a problem with too much illumination? -any recommendations on a very small camera to fit near the drive-up window? -any other suggestions?
  2. dogchainx

    DIY for family-owned pharmacy

    Thanks for your input. I'll do some research, test out a few cameras, and probably post on my results in a few weeks Thanks!
  3. dogchainx

    DIY for family-owned pharmacy

    Would you have a recommendation on a dome IR camera? Each camera's maximum distance to view is probably around 20-25 feet. I would like to have other options than my current camera selections. $150/each camera is what i'm looking to spend. -Shaun
  4. dogchainx

    DIY for family-owned pharmacy

    As far as I know these is no licensing restrictions on a small 4-camera system. All wiring is 12v, its being installed in a public place, and similarly capable 4-camera systems are sold at my local Walmart. I have inquired with my state Department of Licensing, but I haven't heard anything back just yet.