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Everything posted by qman

  1. Uhm, that eBay seller is actually a member of this forum... Just FYI
  2. Thanks for the Ref But Actually, I'm their Distributor, I handle most of the US and Latin America.
  3. This guy is canadian, and he knows the rules. I told him that by monday, if they are not out, then we will no longer sell to him. I-VIEW is furious!!!
  4. qman

    help needed to replace this camera

    Slats... That's a camera that I distribute, made by YOKO, but in the US is represented by a company that I am a distributor of. And yes, YOKO TEC Is a very very good company to deal with, been dealing with them for the last 6 years, and I have even been to their 3 plants in Taiwan. Very solid and business minded company, and they are the type of people that will LISTEN to you.
  5. bill, did you ever get the New 2.8E version of the software? It adresses this problem. I'm setting up the download link on my website so that all can get the new version. The select cameras on the remote playback is greyed out by default. It must be enabled so that search dialog can also display a option to select one or all cameras, plus they are also adding OBject Tracking. I-VIEW is working on version 2.9, which will redo the search dialog to a more understandable way, plus add disk mapping. Other features are a POS box, like geo, but instead of using a COM port connection, it will use a Ethernet connection, thus giving you greater distance with a regular CAT5 cable from the register to the DVR. I will post the link later tonight for the "e" version of the software, the only thing to keep in mind is that this version is not released yet, it's still in testing. I have throughly tested this version, and I feel confident enough that I'm releasing it first. Hermin
  6. Yes you can on freeview pro. When connecting, you much choose remote playbank, then after you connect, you choose what cameras you want to search on, then the search dialog will pop up. After this happens, you do your search, as if you where in front of the server, the file will start to play, and of you want to be able to stop, pause, ETC.. right click on the video clip and the controls will come up. Let me know if you need more info. Hermin
  7. Yo Dataave, one question. Can you explain what the heck is that on your website? Funny as hell tho!!!!!
  8. qman


    uh, nice looking DVR, expecially that LED display, cameras are garbage, but anyhow... wonder who makes it? (knock, knock, rory)
  9. rory is the only nut that would try something like that....
  10. that's a Chinesse Knockoff of whatever they where thinking running PICO software, ha! 120fps card, 16 Channels for 150? YEAH AIGHT~~~!!! Let me tell you, example The Geo GV800, 16 channels, 120 fps, goes for over 600-800. The I-VIEW, for 600.00 A Kodicomm, I believe between the geo and iview. Now, this are 3 Reputable DVR manufacturers, best product, best service, Stable as a rock, and look at their cost. That's what you need to look at.
  11. I have a I-VIEW card that is around your budget.. 120fps, 8 channels, best remote viewing software. Send me an E-mail, and I'll send you more information hermin@shscomputers.com The other card that you can look at is the GEO, but it's well beyond your price level. Hrmin.
  12. You know what?, I'm not even going to answer to him anymore......... I have better things to do, like "RUNNING" this forum. I don't own it, but I run it, and the only one here that has any power to, let's say "overide" anything that I feel is best for the forum is Larry, who's the owner. Anyhow, I didn't have a bad day, had a great day, my 2nd anniversary with my wife and I'm having a blast Thanks for the wish, and don't start a flamming thing, or the same thing that happened to brevardcam will happen to you. Have a Wonderful and prosperous day
  13. I agree to an extent with thomas, a distributor and manufacturer cannot tell the dealer what to charge for a product. but the actual pricing should have a certain area, like for example, let' say the I-view, end user price for the 8 channel card is around 550-600. If dealer 1 has it for $539.99, and Dealer 2 has it for $579.99, then just go with obviously the cheapest one, but, then we have Dealer 3, and he has it for $399.99, then we have a problem, because what that does is to lower the market value of the product.
  14. Oh no He didn't Let's see why I should just make an example out of you, first, here is what the guy posted: Ok, now let's see what YOU[ said: Now, if you have 15 years of industry experience, then YOU should be the first one to know that GEO is not the only one DVR card Maker that can "minimize" in a PC. There is over 200 DVR manufacturers, so why the hell do you think that GEO is the only one? I mean, you know the saying, a picture is worth a 1000 words............. So, next time you decide to say something as a fact, make sure you know what you are saying, because other than GEO and I-VIEW, I can name at least 20 other cards that minimize. So, who needs to shut their mouth and engage the brain first? [/b]
  15. Just FYI, PICO is actually a canadian software that was pirated in China. The company sent the BETA 1 software, to a chinesse company that was developing their software, so they got a leak, and pico started showing up everywhere.
  16. Are you out your mind? You have really not heard of I-VIEW. Look in the posts and see what I mean. Hermin
  17. Damm, looks like a Star Trek Gizmo.
  18. Well, all I know is this: Whatever you are protecting with the cameras, what's it worth to you? I mean if you think a $35 card is enough protection for it, then go right ahead and good luck....otherwise there are better choices out there, like the I-VIEW, GEO, and others.
  19. qman

    Who makes this DVR?

    looks like a AV-TECH DVR, can't be 100% Sure.
  20. qman


    Damm, WOW, Uhm, in Spanish we say: "TOMA" Damm, I get no respect, but that's ok, I mean, I am the hardest worked here, making sure people stay in line, and that we all respect one another... [/b]
  21. qman

    CaptureCCTV CPT-SDR410

    NO NO, I know that you are not promoting anything. I mean, yea, when someone says that they are looking for a DVR card, or course I metion I-VIEW, by simply saying: " YOu shouls look into I-VIEW, http://www.i-viewusa.com" If you notice, I tell the person to "look" into it, not that it's the best, and I send them to I-VIEW'S site, not mine. They get someone else? OK, no problem, I'll help them if they have any problems no matter what... That's why we are here. And Datadave; YOu are a NY'ker, from Long Island, Italian, so that means that you are very .."OPINIONATED", while myself, I'm also a NY'ker, From CORONA, QUEENS, and WHITE PLAINS, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, and DOMINICAN, which means that I am a hard headed mother*****. So neither of us are going to win Check your PM.