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Everything posted by qman

  1. qman

    Building a Geovision system

    Well, for what you listed is more than good, so while the higher the specs are for the machine, the better it is.
  2. qman

    Building a Geovision system

    Damm, that's overkill.
  3. qman

    Ademco (Honeywell) Video Cameras

    ADI, AAAHHHHH Kidding, well, to be honest, they don't make them, the company that actually make the cameras for them is Photronics, from korea, which I also sell, and to be honest, they work beautifly, but you are going to pay a premium for them to have the ADEMCO name in them. Tell me what model number you are interested in, and I'll send you some info.
  4. qman

    Vehicle CCTV system

    Well, all the advice that I can offer is to get the Panasonic Toughbook. That damm thing does take a beating, I have an older one, P1-166mhz, and I intentionally threw it from a second story window into the pavement below, and all it got was a scratch.
  5. qman

    Two Camera System

    Uhm, I don't think that DVR was trying to be unhelpful and alarmist, he is one of the 4 senior members of this forum, which include rory, av, him and me (me being the one who knows the least ). I think that rather he was trying to give you helpfull advice. But to be honest, if you are looking for a good camera for the driveway, and one that does not break your bank, I can show you this one: http://www.cctvdealers.com/excdn12.htm I sell these, and they are very good to me, I can even show you a pic on how it looks at almost pitch dark: Now, consider that this camera is about 3 flights up and 4 feet back from the object. Sorry for being blured, I haven't gone out to clean the lens yet, we just had a tornado about 1 hour ago, that pretty much messed everything up in this region, busy week ahead for me.
  6. Well, it does depend a lot on the actual card that you are going to use, and how many ports it is, example if using a 250, or 600-650 4 port, I don't think that you are going to have much of a problem, but if you go to a 800 or better, then just go out and get a 32 meg or better card, but make sure that it supports directx 9.
  7. qman

    Geovision GV800-4

    Give me the version, and I'll ba able to tell you Home or pro?
  8. qman

    bnc connectors

    I figured that, after seeing their price list. The reason I looked into them was that AV told us a while back about the sub-$500 DVR that he saw in the ISC show in vegas, and they are the company that sells them. For cameras, NO, but for a cheap "no frills" DVR, I gotta tell you, it does the job. The accesories are not bad either, they even offer Access control devices.
  9. qman

    bnc connectors

    Damm, one dollar? I pay anywhere from .45 to .89 depending on what it is. I opened an account with a company called eclipse cctv. They are good. www.cctvoutlet.com
  10. qman


    I had the same problem before, expecially when using the power boxes, so the way that I got eid of them was by tapping the power access panel of the box and adding a line to a new breaker to power the box.
  11. YOu know, there is one little thing that has not been mentioned. CAT5 only has a limit of 320 feet of transmission, I know that there is equipment that makes the run to go as far as 1000' feet, but that's an extra cost, plus you also got to remeber that a lot of companies that already have networks in place, are always worrying that the network load is already too much for their existing equipment, so when you start adding cameras in top of it, then there is the chance that the normal network funcions could slow down to a crawl when the systems integration are not deployed properly, plus you also have the problem where most of the inexpensive back end equipment only supports 253 devices, I'm talking PC'S, Printers, Servers, Routers, ETC. and to my understanding IP cameras use a static IP, so for the 5-10 PC small network it will have little and no impact, but when you go to a big corporation, say a multi-branch Bank, then you might run into problems at the back end. I always will have one belief, Computer and Security should work together, but not on the same lines, you never know what could happen. My 2 cents
  12. Very interesting, I'm looking into something like this for myself.
  13. qman

    Just wanted to say thanks!

  14. This is a very interesting discussion as I'm as well looking to do a similar job of this type, 6 building all in different parts of the city. 6 diferent DVR'S, all must come in to the main office. The worse part? my wife is the one who's going to be doing the "looking back" at them, so it has to be at least, simple to use, I was looking at that CENTER V2 from Geo, but I want to see if there are any more options, the only thing that I require is that all of the units support Dynamic IP.
  15. qman

    Tested DVR Card Sale

    Very good DVR, post them on the Dealer's Section. I'm interested to see what else is out there.
  16. qman

    CD-R with dvr video

    Well, you took out the file from your website, post it again, then I'll see if I can help
  17. qman

    Video picture quality

    Well, I don't really know about the GEO'S, but when I was using the ALNET, I was getting a better picture thru the TV'S than the monitor. I always try to use the ATI cards, generaly, they have a better tv-out picture than the other companies.
  18. qman

    PST? Anyone heard of them?

    Hey, welcome to the board!!! Next time, just post one question on the right category, don't post it all over. But no, I'll see what I can dig up about them.
  19. Sorry man, you bought a PICO 2000 board. Those are cheap chinesse boards that never work, and the software sucks You should have bought a geo or anything from a reputable manufacturer.
  20. qman

    Anyone used this DVR yet??

    UH, I'm going down that area tomorrow, maybe I'll drop by provideo to see what they got. I'll keep you guys posted
  21. qman

    GE CMOS Camera

    rory, you are in the wrong side of the business. go ahead and work for GE as a international sales rep, I think that you would do pretty good.
  22. qman

    UTP transmission

    That's very true, I'm even going to start carring them soon. We are just waiting for the paperwork to go thru.
  23. Yo man, stop bickering about PC and Stand alone, at the end, they are all the same ****. Remeber that the only thing that stand alones have going is that they look more profesional than a pc. But in the end, with the all pros and cons, they all are basically the same, it takes the user to decide what they want to PAY for.
  24. Yo man, stop bickering about PC and Stand alone, at the end, they are all the same ****. Remeber that the only thing that stand alones have going is that they look more profesional than a pc. But in the end, with the all pros and cons, they all are basically the same, it takes the user to decide what they want to PAY for.
  25. qman

    Godamm Squirels
