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Everything posted by qman

  1. qman

    Godamm Squirels

    Funny thing happened to me just a little while ago I had my window open to let some air come in, and a squirel decided to come in, take one of my dome cameras, and run with it, haha, funny as hell, he's right now looking at it on the top of a tree. I guess everyone this day has the need for CCTV. Good thing that it was a cheap sharp camera., hehehehehehe.
  2. qman

    Need help with Geo600 installation

    DirectX is a set of drivers that microsoft made to make hardware and software communicate at a faster speed for "resource intence" applications like games. Download and install here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=141d5f9e-07c1-462a-baef-5eab5c851cf5&displaylang=en
  3. qman

    Need help with Geo600 installation

    I think that your problem is DirectX, install Version 9.0B and that you should do it.
  4. Acrually, for you to cover your ass, do what I do. Plug in a ATI video Card, with TV/OUT, and get a time-lapse VCR to make VHS tapes of the digital images. It's old school, but hey, at least there's the backup that they require.
  5. qman

    Black and white or color?

    Rory man, take talk like this to the Dealer Section, no one outside of us needs to know the secrets.
  6. qman

    Black and white or color?

    OOOHHHH Rory let the dog out.............
  7. qman

    Line Lock

    Could someone tell me what does "line lock" means in a camera?
  8. qman

    PTZ cameras

    Those people suck. Honestly speaking, how big is the house? Is the house yours? If so, a couple of pics that you can send us will be better so that we can have an idea on what it is that you are looking for and what you really need. PM me more info.
  9. qman

    High end Help Please

    Uhm, X10------CHEAP Go here and see what we offer. http://www.shscomputers.com/catalog look around the site, and tell us what you are looking to do. good cameras start around $150.00 anywhere, those X10 cameras are Cmos sensors, the same ones that logitech uses for their webcams. You want cameras that have CCD sensors on them. more to come.
  10. qman

    Geovision cards.

    As far I understand, with the geo's, you got to make sure that your cameras are getting the proper voltage from the power supply. if they get less than what they are supposed to, then images would just jump on the screen.
  11. qman

    Black and white or color?

    Take a look at this one, it's has the SOny EXview CCD chip, it's Day/Night, it's one of the best OEM'S out there. http://www.shscomputers.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=3_24&products_id=50
  12. qman

    Lens problem

    OK here's the deal I bought about 30 4mm Lenses from a OEM manufacturer in NY, they are the regular non-iris type. I got them 1/3" C/S/ mount. The cameras are 1/3" sensors. But when I hook them on, I get a blurry image, I tried focusing the lens, the back focus in the camera itself (moving the CS mount) and nothing fucking works!!! I tried a 6mm lens from same company, same specs, viola!, they worked fine. I did noticed that the 4mm had a little less glass than the 6mm, but I'm stuck. Any ideas?
  13. qman

    Lens problem

    Well, the thing is that all other lenses work, 6mm and up, and i'm talking about 40 cameras.
  14. qman

    Update: RV Park system follow-up

    AHH man, Those cameras look so fucking cool!!!!! What kind of DVR did you end up getting?
  15. qman

    Geovision pirate cards on Ebay UK

    By a long Shot
  16. I might have what you need, click on my store and take a look. http://www.shscomputers.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=32
  17. That's one of the problems, when you use a PC as a DVR, it only stays as a DVR, because the DVR software and hardware use every resource of the machine to perform it's function. DO the clean install, updates, and install DVR, and leave it as is. By the way, what are the specs of the machine??
  18. qman

    Comparing Mux/DVR's

    I think that if someone outhere decides to make a clone of the Geo's Hardware, and put in a better gui and compression techniques, then they'll be number one, the problem with geo is that they want way too much money for their products, expecially if anyone can download their software.
  19. qman

    Photronic Cameras

    I still wanna hear from any of you that have used these cameras? I have every single model they make right here with me as samples to see how they work, but I'm still waiting for the godamm lenses to come in. Do anyone know where I could get inexpensive auto-iris lenses? I love computar, but too much for some of my clients.
  20. qman


    Well, it sounds good I can tell you that using the TV out from the ATI card is going to give you a better picture quality on the external monitor than that on the computer monitor. I know from experience.
  21. Sounds good, except for the resolution,
  22. Uh, What? Honestly, you just confused the hell out of me. You got to be more clear on what you are asking
  23. qman

    Delete older threads

    Hell no, way too much programing that makes no sense. ASP is not open source, you are limited on what you can do. PhP is open source, and as long as you know basic html, then there's nothing that you cannot do...