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Everything posted by qman

  1. qman


    I don't know what you have against taiwanesse products, but after just coming back from there, I have to tell you that they have a very strict Q&A and they use practicly the same components as the big US based names. I've used taiwanesse products for 5 years, and i have less than 1% of product problems.
  2. qman


    Well, there's one way to try and find out a seller. Ask him a million and one questions, and uf he answers everyone of them, then you got to say that he's pretty good at it. One thing that I do is l list my phone number on my auctions, that way clients call me with any questions, plus I include the technical support number on the package after the sale. So it all depends in how you do your homework I have practically furnished my house on electronics from eBay.
  3. qman


    Hi guys, i need a little hand Does anyone know about any search engine, for cctv related manufacturers?, or at least a list of them. Thanks!
  4. qman


    Well, I sell them on eBay. I sell the ALNET boards. But just to give you a good advice on what to buy, STAY AWAY from the .99 cent and the 24.99 cards from hong kong or taiwan, ask to see what software you get with them, if it's the PICO2000, then it's no good. There are a Few that are good The ALNET'S that I sell The Geovision are good also. other than that, I have no experience with anyother.
  5. qman

    Magic Radar DVR Card

    Hey, if you find out a name or address, I'll go over and have a chat with the people who sell them, and see how it works. let me know
  6. Hello everyone, after sepending almost 40K on a new website (almost Done), we are going to be distributing the Alnet systems Exclusivelly, plus we got contracts from: G.E, Boch(phillips), Sony, JVC, Everfocus, Pelco, Silent Witness, to name a few, to sell their product lines to BOTH dealers and end-users (different Prices of course). So for a limited time (2 weeks), I'm giving everyone here an offer: The Alnet 4 port PRO version, regular $299.99. for: 149.99 plus shipping. Reason? To promote the product and for your guys to check out the site and tell me what you think Any questions, please e-mail me with your forum screename, ONLY MEMBERS THAT I VERIFY THAT ACTUALLY ARE FROM THIS FORUM ARE ELEGIBLE FOR THIS OFFER!! Hermin@shscomputers.com
  7. hey rory, any news from your colleagues?
  8. qman

    I'm in the wrong job.

    that's about right. depending one the DVR
  9. qman


    Ok guys, my us supplier of geo's has gone under. I need direct with them, i know that some of you already deal with them directly, so can yo u help me out? Alnet is great, but you know customers, I want to give them more choices. I want not only to sell them to my own clients, but to distribute them also. Thanks
  10. qman


    You tha man But let me refrase this a little bit I'm looking to import about 500 cards a month
  11. qman

    Geovision webcam window

    I hate to admit that the Geo's Picture quality is really good. The only thing that I don;t like is that it's only one camera at a time.
  12. I have a question Some installations that I've done, I have the misfortunate of having "ghosting" on some of the cameras, wheather is using CAT5, RG59U, or siamese with 2 18 gauge power, and rg59U. Is there a rule of thumb that I should be following? Thanks!
  13. Dont; forget to get me an address so I can quote the shipping
  14. oh what the hell, ok Alnet has given me 5 cards to leave at this price range for demos for you guys. If you prefer, you can paypal this account: herminsanchez@hotmail.com Let me know guys.
  15. qman

    dvr no name, OEM??

    How about this one? http://www.cctvdealers.com/digital_video_recorders1.htm
  16. qman


    Well, alnet was going to sponsor me some cash, but the vegas one is way over our heads in terms of cost, so we are going to do the new york show on november
  17. qman


    Thanks!!! they funny thing is that my company is listed there also
  18. qman

    Source for this DVR

    I've seen them installed at a client's site over here. They are Extrmelly good cards, but the software sucks. There's another company that sells them, with much better software, give me a little while to find them
  19. Well, I have 2 takers so far, anyone else?, this offer is over on monday, I just want someone from this forum to have one and tell me and the rest of us what they think.
  20. yeah, its a NY rep that sais Kalatel DVRs are out of date! His winXp/2K one is better according to him :-0 Dont know what it is yet, will see when he comes down next week. Hey, Hey, stop bashing the NY reps OK?, you guys have to remember, exept for me, most installer here are used to charge anywhere from 5-10K for a basic 4 camera DVR system over here, and people around here do pay for them. And regarding the Kalatel, that rep has to be smoking something, as far as I understand, the Kalatel's are one of the top brand of DVR'S that money can buy.
  21. Give me their website, I've been looking to register, but can't find it,
  22. Good, always make certain purchases with a credit card, and make sure that before you accept delivery, read the packing invoice to see if he added the money back guarantee.
  23. Hey man, I'm not touchy, I'm a lover
  24. Ok, sorry for trying to help, good luck looking for a DVR