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Joseph Vilvaraj

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  1. Joseph Vilvaraj

    CCTV on Solar

    Did you mean the solar charge controller side? The regulator will be connected to the solar charge controller and the DVR and camera in the output of the regulator. Why 2.5A DVR and 6 cameras could draw about 3A Well spotted. yes, the DVR has to work at night. We have set the load cutoff voltage on the change controller to 12.1v. But worked out and provided one 1-day extra capacity on the battery and I expect to work above 12.2 v on the battery. I still have to test the regulation to see how it will behave when the input( battery ) voltage goes down to 12.1 or 12.2 but not below 12.0v. I do not expect to work below 12v
  2. Joseph Vilvaraj

    CCTV on Solar

    Did you mean the solar charge controller side. The regulator will be connected to the solar charge controller and the DVR and camera in the output of the regulator. Why 2.5A DVR and 6 cameras could draw about 3A
  3. Joseph Vilvaraj

    CCTV on Solar

    I selected this. Please confirm. The battery is 12V max charge voltage 14.4 load cut off voltage 12.2v https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06Y5JHZG2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Joseph Vilvaraj

    CCTV on Solar

    Thank you we agree. But we cannot use 24v. is there any other device supply 12v. for example.Car DC 12V 4A Voltage Stabilizer Surge Protector Power Supply Regulator for Auto Truck Vehicle Boat Solar System etc.(DC10-36V Input, DC12V Output)
  5. Joseph Vilvaraj

    CCTV on Solar

    Need to run CCTV DVR and camera on 12v battery can I connect the DVR and camera ( both marked as 12v) directly to a charge controller my issue is when the battery is fully charged the battery/charge controller voltage is 14.4v and when the sun is up has damaged my DVR during this time. Connecting to the battery directly works but i have no control over the DVR draining the lead acid battery