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  1. monoplumber

    AVC761 as a webcam

    Hardware proliferation would be a real problem for me (as for video server). DVR has actually a simple web interface, so I thought about some video proxy if anybody succeeded to apply such a solution. Mottion triggered ftp upload is nice idea, but as I stated before it behaves unexpectedly. I have set sensibility to very high and initially it worked fine - I had shots uploaded on my ftp every 5s. After some time (say minute or two) it just stopped uploading shots despite alarm was still triggered. Uploads started again after the alarm had been switched off (no mottion at all) and triggered once more.
  2. monoplumber

    AVC761 as a webcam

    I have just got AVC761 dvr. I am using it for recording from two visual channels but I would also like to post some pictures on my website. How to achieve some webcam-like functionality using this device? I mean I think some people would like to use this pictures at peak hours, so simply streaming video using attached java applet is not enough - embedded web server will be easily blocked... OTOH documentation describes another functionality - posting pictures onto ftp server in case motion is detected/external alarm triggered, but it behaves somehow strange. Any hint? I would be happy with one shot per 5s (if regularly) from each channel. Would be thankful for any help. Mono