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Everything posted by CiroIp

  1. I think you're right. I believe there is no point in trying to shield the user from technical stats and dumb down feedback like that. I'm shopping for a PoE camera myself; did the TL-PoE150S come with a power supply? I'm thinking to just get the switch that should already have a 60W power supply. https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Compliant-Shielded-Optimization-TL-SG1005P/dp/B076HZFY3F/ref=sr_1_5?crid=LQRIZSU6AAEN&keywords=poe%2Bswitch&qid=1671131604&s=electronics&sprefix=poe%2Bswitch%2Celectronics%2C131&sr=1-5&th=1
  2. Just as heads up to the Admin: The registration mail in my case went straight the the Gmail SPAM.
  3. New to the CCTV World. I'm writing RTSP apps and I'm always looking for other tinkerer to help me test stuff, troubleshooting, find out bugs suggesting new use cases.