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Everything posted by kevinkay

  1. kevinkay

    HELP with SVAT CV502-4CH-X

    For anyone in the same boat - got the app Asee and Asee+ plus to work on my iPhone!!
  2. Old system given to me free with one camera, and will be sufficient for my needs. I can get it to send emails and so I know its connected and i have the port forwarded but I can't sign in from my computer and view system with local IP number (or my main IP number followed by the open port). On a Mac and on Safari it just keeps telling me to install plug in. On an old windows 7 internet explore 11 I have followed the directions about trusting the site and checked off all the activeX control's but never get past a dark blue screen (no prompt to download activeX). NOR (what I really want) is to view from my iPhone. I have tried several apps plugging in the IP numbers, and password but can't get connected. The instructions I found online are very vague but say it can be connected via iPhone. The one camera (not original to the system) has a 4 way button and only works on analog so I assume this is an analog system. I don't have the original remote it would have came with - any chance someone knows a remote code to program and use a universal remote?? any and all help is appreciated!
  3. kevinkay

    HELP with SVAT CV502-4CH-X

    THANKS for the reply. Not getting Icamviewer to work, trying both the local IP and the main router I port forwarded. Also found some original info on the system and reference to Asee and the suggested app - can't get that to work either.