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Everything posted by Eugen3d

  1. Eugen3d

    Mini nvr questions

    Thanks for info! I have XMeye for another NVR (Hiseeu H.265 - still works perfectly) - but with mini NVR n6200-8e not working too( NAT - network address translation, which allows you to forward package from an external address of your router (wan-interface) to the internal address of the nvr. So you can get access to cameras and nvr without any p2p/cloud services, all you need is a static public ip-address from your ISP. Or am i wrong somewhere?
  2. Eugen3d

    Mini nvr questions

    Thanks! But XMEye never worked with this NVRs. And i don't see any troubles using China NVRs and Chinas software, even they get my GPS position (with i can disable by phone restriction). Also i NEVER using any cloud/p2p service - only direct access by ip with NAT-managment on router. Anyway, the problem still exists with this mini nvrs
  3. Eugen3d

    Mini nvr questions

    Is anyone else using these NVRs? I was surprised to find that mobile applications as Goolink / VsMeye / VMSgo with a direct connection via local network no longer work :( Tried 3 different nvrs - all do not work the same way. Connecting directly by local ip to default port 5050. The last time it worked was about 2-3 years ago... NVRs firmware v4.0 20160707. Does anyone have solution? Of course, it's time for them to take a well-deserved rest, but anyway they continue to work further... Thanks!