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  1. Braddo

    Log on issue

    My log on is bradleys , I've tried my password as I set it, then various combinations of upper and lower case ect, nothing works, date also is stuck on 01/01/2000 does not change each day.
  2. Braddo

    Log on issue

    Hi Tom, not entirely sure which menu you mean here are some
  3. Hi I have a Oynx CCTV system with DVR, we had a major power cut last week whilst I was away on holiday now I cannot log onto the system at all it says my password is incorrect! Same one I've been using for 2 years. The date is also showing as 2000, any ideas whats happening here. Spoke to the support they gave me default passwords none of which work on admin?
  4. Hi I have a Oynx CCTV system with DVR, we had a major power cut last week whilst I was away on holiday now I cannot log onto the system at all it says my password is incorrect! Same one I've been using for 2 years. The date is also showing as 2000, any ideas whats happening here. Spoke to the support they gave me default passwords none of which work on admin?