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Everything posted by Braddo

  1. Hi I have a Oynx CCTV system with DVR, we had a major power cut last week whilst I was away on holiday now I cannot log onto the system at all it says my password is incorrect! Same one I've been using for 2 years. The date is also showing as 2000, any ideas whats happening here. Spoke to the support they gave me default passwords none of which work on admin?
  2. Braddo

    Log on issue

    My log on is bradleys , I've tried my password as I set it, then various combinations of upper and lower case ect, nothing works, date also is stuck on 01/01/2000 does not change each day.
  3. Braddo

    Log on issue

    Hi Tom, not entirely sure which menu you mean here are some
  4. Hi I have a Oynx CCTV system with DVR, we had a major power cut last week whilst I was away on holiday now I cannot log onto the system at all it says my password is incorrect! Same one I've been using for 2 years. The date is also showing as 2000, any ideas whats happening here. Spoke to the support they gave me default passwords none of which work on admin?