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Everything posted by sezlv

  1. Hello! I'm currently in the process of upgrading my old Night Owl DVR, which has been causing me endless headaches since 2014. It's been nothing short of a nightmare to deal with, and I'm well overdue for an upgrade, especially since my DVR model is no longer supported on their janky app. I'm looking for a good DVR that will allow me to easily access my recordings from my phone and maybe even my PC. I've been researching some options on Amazon and eBay, and have narrowed my search down to a few brands, including Zosi, ANNKE, and HIKVISION. I would love to hear your thoughts on these brands and if you have any other recommendations for a 16-channel DVR with 1080p resolution. As a side note, this DVR is for my home cameras which are 900TVL. I plan to upgrade them to 1080p in the near future. Thank you in advance.
  2. sezlv

    DVR Recomendations

    Thank you for all the information. I am looking at this one DVR, in particular, HIKVISION iDS-7216HQHI-M1/S, do you think this DVR would do the job? https://www.hikvision.com/en/products/Turbo-HD-Products/DVR/AcuSense-Series/iDS-7216HQHI-M1-S/ I also was looking at a bunch of other DVRs that were "1080p Lite" which to my understanding isn't really full 1080p.