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Everything posted by saood

  1. I want help in configure the lenel onguard v8.0 I need to open all doors when one reader is active. Like if one of the out strikes all out also strikes. Please explain grouping of readers, Local and global i/o with at least two intelligent panels
  2. Dear, We have total 6 buildings and Installed all 6 intelligent Controller in each buildings and all are communicating with onguard 8.0. And those X2220's are connected with lnl 1320 through 2 wire communication and Its Readers. So each building has its own fire panel and all are connected, which is if one building detect fire all buildings alarm will trigger. So Now I Configured one Reader ( Fire panel Reader ) which it's input connected with fire panel (REX 1) input 2 connected by Normal open contact. So i need help about configuring this, I want to open all doors when the specific output strikes. Please explain this details (Local and global I/O Configuration ) I need open all doors when the reader active or fire panel triggers.