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Everything posted by mek2573

  1. mek2573

    AVC760 Network drops

    Hello everybody, I'm new to this forum and to videosurveillance and I'm having a kind of a weird problem with an AVC760....here what's happened: I installed an AVC760 with 4 cameras in a place with NO network. Not having the chance to install a main monitor to use the system, I decided to use only a LAN connection in between my AVC and my laptop. First thing I set the IP of my PC to without defining ANY default gateway and I used a straight cable to connect it to the AVC. I tried to connect using "admin" as password and....it worked perfectly! After two days of regular work the system simply crashed. No way to have my PC connect to the AVC. When I connect my straight cable the LAN results OK, but if I try to search with the search function of Videoserver, no devices are seen on the "network". If I try to ping to the connection is refused. I tried to change ALL the settings following what I've found on the forum and nothing changed, if I use a cross cable there's no signal of having the PC and the AVC connected..... ....Do you have any idea? Thank you in advance Matteo